About Me
- United Kingdom
- Joined almost 4 years ago
- photography, medical (health care), drama and theater
- ProZ.com
Translation Units
Term Concepts
My Work
Sample Translation Tech/Engineering
Tech/Engineering Sample Translation
Source (English) | Target (Slovenian) |
00:04 | 00:03 |
So, as researchers, something that we often do is use immense resources to achieve certain capabilities, or achieve certain goals. | Raziskovalci pogosto porabimo veliko sredstev, da bi dosegli določeno zmogljivost ali določene cilje. |
And this is essential to the progress of science, or exploration of what is possible. | To je bistvenega pomena za napredek znanosti in raziskovanje novih potencialov. |
But it creates this unfortunate situation where a tiny, tiny fraction of the world can actually participate in this exploration or can benefit from that technology. | Toda hkrati pa ustvari to nerodno situacijo, kjer se lahko le zelo majhen del sveta udeleži teh raziskav ali koristi te tehnologije. |
Something that motivates me, and gets me really excited about my research, is when I see simple opportunities to drastically change that distribution and make the technology accessible to a much wider percentage of the population. | Pri moji raziskavi me še posebej spodbudi in navduši, ko odkrijem enostavne priložnosti, ki lahko spremenijo širjenje in dostop do tehnologij na veliko večji delež svetovnega prebivalstva. |
00:36 | 00:35 |
I'm going to show you two videos that have gotten a lot of attention that I think embody this philosophy. | Pokazal vam bom dva posnetka, ki sta v zadnjem času zelo popularna in po mojem mnenju poosebljata to idejo. |
And they actually use the Nintendo Wii Remote. | Pri tem bomo uporabili Nintendov krmilnik Wii Remote. |
For those of you who aren't familiar with this device, it's a $40 video game controller. | Za tiste, ki s to napravo niste seznanjeni, to je igralni plošček, ki stane 40 dolarjev. |
And it's mostly advertised for its motion-sensing capabilities: so you can swing a tennis racket, or hit a baseball bat. | Njegova posebnost je zmožnost zaznavanja gibov. |
But what actually interests me a lot more is the fact that in the tip of each controller is a relatively high-performing infrared camera. | Meni pa je veliko bolj zanimivo to, da je v konici vsakega igralnega ploščka vgrajena relativno visokozmogljiva infrardeča kamera. |
And I'm going to show you two demos of why this is useful. | Z dvema predstavitvama vam bom pokazal, zakaj je to uporabno. |
01:07 | 01:05 |
So here, I have my computer set up with the projector, and I have a Wii Remote sitting on top of it. | Tukaj imam svoj računalnik priklopljen na projektor in na projektorju leži krmilnik Wii Remote. |
And, for example, if you're in a school that doesn't have a lot money, probably a lot of schools, or if you're in an office environment, and you want an interactive whiteboard, normally these cost about two to three thousand dollars. | Če ste na primer v šoli z nizkim proračunom, katerih je najbrž veliko, ali pa ste v pisarni in bi želeli imeti interaktivno tablo, potem te ponavadi stanejo okrog 2.000 do 3.000 dolarjev. |
So I'm going to show you how to create one with a Wii Remote. | Zato vam bom pokazal, kako si jo lahko izdelate sami s pomočjo krmilnika Wii Remote. |
Now, this requires another piece of hardware, which is this infrared pen. | Poleg tega boste potrebovali tudi flomaster z infrardečo diodo v konici. |
You can probably make this yourself for about five dollars with a quick trip to the Radio Shack. | Za ceno 5 dolarjev ga lahko sestavite sami doma s hitrim obiskom v bližnjo računalniško trgovino. |
It's got a battery, a button and an infrared LED -- you guys can't see it -- but it turns on whenever I push the button. | Sestavljen je iz baterije, gumba in infrardeče diode, ki se vključi, vi tega ne vidite, ampak vključi se, ko pritisnete na gumb. |
Now, what this means is that if I run this piece of software, the camera sees the infrared dot, and I can register the location of the camera pixels to the projector pixels. | To pomeni, da lahko kamera z zagonom tega programa zazna infrardečo diodo in uskladi položaj točk kamere s točkami projektorja in postane interaktivna tabla. |
02:01 | (Aplavz) |
02:03 | Tako lahko imate za 50 dolarjev lastno interaktivno tablo. |
This is Adobe Photoshop. | To je Adobe Photoshop. |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
02:15 | Hvala. |
02:16 | (Smeh) |
(Laughter) | 02:16 |
02:17 | Ta program je naložen na moji spletni strani in si ga lahko naložite brezplačno. |
In the three months this project has been public, it's been downloaded over half a million times. | Po treh mesecih od objave projekta v javnost je bilo opravljenih več kot pol milijona prenosov. |
So teachers and students all around the world are already using this. | Torej program že uporabljajo učitelji in učenci po celem svetu. |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
02:36 | Rad bi samo dodal, da čeprav je zmožen vsega tega za le 50 dolarjev, je uporaba vseeno nekoliko omejena. |
You get about 80 percent of the way there, for one percent of the cost. | Toda za le en odstotek cene lahko imate 80 odstotni izkoristek. |
Another nice thing is that a camera can see multiple dots, so this is actually a multi-touch, interactive whiteboard system as well. | Dobro je tudi, da lahko kamera zazna več točk in je s tem omogočen tudi večdotični sistem. |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
02:52 | 02:51 |
For the second demo, I have this Wii Remote that's actually next to the TV. | Za drugo predstavitev sem krmilnik Wii Remote namestil poleg televizije. |
So it's pointing away from the display, rather than pointing at the display. | Namesto, da bi ga usmeril proti zaslonu, je v bistvu obrnjen stran. |
And why this is interesting is that if you put on, say, a pair of safety glasses, that have two infrared dots in them, they are going to give the computer an approximation of your head location. | To je zanimivo zato, ker lahko s parom očal, na katerih sta pritrjeni dve infrardeči diodi, računalniku pošljete približek lokacije svoje glave. |
And why this is interesting is I have this sort of application running on the computer monitor, which has a 3D room, with some targets floating in it. | To pa je zanimivo zato, ker imam na računalniškem zaslonu zagnano aplikacijo, ki simulira tridimenzionalen prostor z lebdečimi predmeti. |
And you can see that it looks like a 3D room. | In kot lahko vidite, je podobno 3-D prostoru, kot v računalniški igri, nekako deluje tridimenzionalno. |
kind of like a video game, it sort of looks 3D, but for the most part, the image looks pretty flat, and bound to the surface of the screen. | Toda slika predvsem deluje ploščata in pritrjena na površino zaslona. |
But if we turn on head tracking -- the computer can change the image that's on the screen and make it respond to the head movements. | Toda, če vključimo sledenje glave, lahko računalnik spremeni sliko na zaslonu in jo prilagodi gibom glave. |
So let's switch back to that. | Zato zdaj vključimo to. |
03:42 | (Smeh) (Aplavz) |
(Laughter) | 03:55 |
03:45 | Razvijalci iger so se tega v bistvu precej ustrašili. |
03:56 | (Smeh) |
So this has actually been a little bit startling to the game-development community. | Saj vse to predstavlja samo dodatnih 10 dolarjev, če že imate v lasti igralno konzolo Wii. |
(Laughter) | Zato se že veselim nekaterih iger. |
Because this is about 10 dollars of additional hardware if you already have a Nintendo Wii. | Louis Castle, tam spodaj sedi, je prejšnji teden oznanil, da bo Electronic Arts, eden največjih založnikov iger, maja izdal igro, v kateri bo "računalniški pirh", ki bo podpiral tovrstno naglavno sledenje. |
And that's from less than five months from a prototype in my lab to a major commercial product. | To se je v manj kot petih mesecih iz prototipa v moji delavnici razvilo v tržni proizvod. |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
04:32 | Hvala. |
Thank you. | 04:34 |
04:33 | Mi je pa še bolj zanimivo, kako so ljudje izvedeli za ta dva izdelka. |
04:35 | YouTube je močno vplival na to, kako hitro lahko posameznik razširi idejo po celem svetu. |
YouTube has really changed the way, or changed the speed, in which a single individual can actually spread an idea around the world. | V enem trenutku razvijam v svoji delavnici video kamero in v enem tednu si je moje delo ogledalo že milijon ljudi. |
I'm doing some research in my lab with a video camera, and within the first week, a million people had seen this work, and literally within days, engineers, teachers and students from around the world were already posting their own YouTube videos of them using my system or derivatives of this work. | In dobesedno v nekaj dneh so inženirji, učitelji in učenci iz celega sveta objavljali lastne posnetke na YouTube-u, v katerih so uporabljali moj sistem ali nekakšne predelave. |
So I hope to see more of that in the future, and hope online video distribution to be embraced by the research community. | Zato upam, da bom v prihodnosti tega videl veliko več, in upam, da bo raziskovalna skupnost spletno distribucijo videov sprejela. |
So thank you very much. | Najlepša hvala. |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
Sample Translation Marketing
Marketing Sample Translation
Source (Slovenian) | Target (English) |
Source text - Slovenian | Translation - English |
ki se nadaljuje, raste, se razvija in | which expands, grows, evolves and |
ponuja vedno več. | is offering a growing number of products. |
Kar je več kot FER! | Which is more than FAIR! |
V vseh komunikacijah so nagovori in teksti pisani v prvi osebi (MI) | In all correspondences the greetings and texts are written in first person (MI) |
V vseh komunikacijah govorimo o nas samih, kdo smo, kaj počnemo, za kaj se zavzemamo, kaj smo dosegli, kaj ponujamo, ... | In all correspondences we are talking about ourselves, about who we are, about our activities, about our aspirations, about our achievements, about our offers ... |
V medijih predstavljamo, da nismo samo trgovci in da ponujamo široko paleto različnih poklicov, ki se jih v komunikacijah predstavlja (marketingarji, pravniki, ekonomisti, vzdrževalci, IT-jevci, pokuševalci, čebelarji, vrtnarji, ...) | In marketing collateral, we present ourselves as more than salespeople and that we offer a wide range of different professions, which are presented in advertising (marketers, lawyers, economists, maintenance workers, IT experts, tasters, beekeepers, gardeners ...) |
Vsi zapisi vsebujejo Hofer vrednote in izpostavljajo ugodnosti ter prednosti, ki jih Hofer nudi kot dober zaposlovalec | All records are comprised of Hofer values and highlight the benefits and advantages offered by Hofer as a good employer |
Vse fotografije so “dokumentaristične”, odslikavajo TRENUTEK v prostoru in času | All photos are “documentary”, because they present the MOMENT in space and time |
V vseh komunikacijah so nagovori in teksti pisani v prvi osebi (MI) | In all correspondences the greetings and texts are written in first person (MI) |
V vseh komunikacijah govorimo o nas samih, kdo smo, kaj počnemo, za kaj se zavzemamo, kaj smo dosegli, kaj ponujamo, ... | In all correspondences we are talking about ourselves, about who we are, about our activities, about our aspirations, about our achievements, about our offers ... |
V medijih predstavljamo, da nismo samo trgovci in da ponujamo široko paleto različnih poklicov, ki se jih v komunikacijah predstavlja (marketingarji, pravniki, ekonomisti, vzdrževalci, IT-jevci, pokuševalci, čebelarji, vrtnarji, ...) | In marketing collateral, we present ourselves as more than salespeople and that we offer a wide range of different professions, which are presented in advertising (marketers, lawyers, economists, maintenance workers, IT experts, tasters, beekeepers, gardeners ...) |
Vsi zapisi vsebujejo Hofer vrednote in izpostavljajo ugodnosti ter prednosti, ki jih Hofer nudi kot dober zaposlovalec | All records are comprised of Hofer values and highlight the benefits and advantages offered by Hofer as a good employer |
Vse fotografije so “dokumentaristične”, odslikavajo TRENUTEK v prostoru in času | All photos are “documentary”, because they present the MOMENT in space and time |
Tiskani oglasi | Printed advertisements |
Zaposlitveni portali | Job portals |
Karierni in zaposlitveni sejmi | Career and employment fairs |
Dogodki | Events |
Drugi digitalni mediji (banner, PR članki, e-mailing, advertoriali) | Other digital media (banners, PR articles, e-mail correspondence, advertorials) |
V luči povedanega pod “copy strategy”, vsebujejo vse LinkedIn objave prvoosebni nagovor, govorimo o nas samih, o naših aktivnostih, fotografije so “dokumentaristične”, odslikavajo TRENUTEK v prostoru in času. | In the light of the above (“copy strategy”), every LinkedIn post is written in first person, we describe ourselves, our activities and all photos are “documentary”, because they present the MOMENT in space and time. |
Vsi teksti se pišejo izključno v slovenščini (primer: “JOB ALERT”, namesto tega: “NOVA KARIERNA PRILOŽNOST”, oz. “V pravni službi iščemo nove sile”) | Every text is written exclusively in Slovenian (example: “JOB ALERT”, instead: "NOVA KARIERNA PRILOŽNOST”, or “V pravni službi iščemo nove sile”) |
Samo 39 zaposlenih v podjetju Hofer Slovenija je povezanih na LinkedInu. | Merely 39 Hofer employees are connected on LinkedIn. |
Povečati je treba interni engagement po oddelkih– S tem se izpostavi profesionalizem, razširi rezime, predstavi znanje, širi zavedanje. | Emphasis has to be put on pursuing employee engagement for each department – It advocates professionalism, expands the regime, presents skill, propagates awareness. |
Poziv k odpiranju LinkedIn profilov pozove CEO z internim mailingom (napiši) | The creation of LinkedIn accounts is encouraged by the CEO with an internal e-mail correspondence |
Vsebine se bodo pojavljale v treh tipih objav: | The content will appear in the types of posts: |
Dogodki (karierni in zaposlitveni sejmi, SEMPL, Ljubljanski maraton, iniciative, team buildingi, trajnostne vsebine), napovedi (nove poslovalnice, razpisi študijskih programov) … | Events (career and employment fairs, SEMPL, Ljubljana Marathon, initiatives, team-building, sustainable content), announcements (new business offices, study programmes) ... |
Nagrade, Ideja z@ Hofer, priznanja, certifikati … | Awards, Idea z@ Hofer, recognitions, certificates ... |
Objave delovnih mest | Vacancy notices |
Že naslovnica vsebuje vse značilnosti povedanega v “copy strategy”: Da smo Hofer | The cover alone includes the characteristics described in “copy strategy”: That Hofer |
različni ljudje mnogoterih znanj, ljudje z vrednotami, ambicijami in cilji. | is represented by people with multiple skills, people with values, ambitions and goals. |
LinkedIn – About us | LinkedIn – About us |
Smo več kot le trgovec, smo tudi skrben zaposlovalec z izrazitim čutom do sočloveka, okolja in narave. | We are more than just a salesperson, we are also an employer with a strong sense of duty towards his fellow human being, environment and nature. |
Kljub pisani paleti poklicev, ki jih opravljamo, nas povezujejo skupne vrednote, odgovornost in veselje do dela. | Despite the wide range of occupations that we provide, we are also linked by common values, responsibility and job satisfaction. |
Veliko dajemo na znanje. | We appreciate skill. |
Ker smo del mednarodne poslovne skupine ALDI SÜD, ambicioznim posameznikom ponujamo številne karierne možnosti tudi zunaj meja Slovenije. | Because we are a part of the ALDI SÜD business group, we offer ambitious individuals a number of career opportunities outside Slovenia. |
Mednarodna izmenjava zaposlenih krepi zavedanje o raznolikosti, doprinese k osebnostni rasti in predstavlja pomemben del inovativnega in uspešnega razvoja podjetja. | The International Employee Exchange programme increases the awareness for diversity, improves personal growth and represents a vital part of an innovative and successful company development. |
Seveda pa se zavedamo, da je pozitiven odnos in dobro razmerje med delovnim in prostim časom ključnega pomena tako za dušni mir, kot tudi za zdravje, zato se prilagajamo željam sodelavcev pri uresničevanju želja in ambicij. | Of course, we are aware that a positive attitude and a good work-life balance are crucial for a peace of mind and well-being. |
Varovanju okolja in trajnostnemu razvoju pripisujemo velik pomen in si prizadevamo izboljšati življenjski slog naših kupcev in zaposlenih. | We put great stress on environment protection and sustainable development, and strive to improve the lifestyle of our customers and employees. |
Težimo k skrbni uporabi surovin in transparentnemu poslovanju ter se zavzemamo za pravičnost in poštenost na vseh področjih našega delovanja. | We pursue the careful use of raw materials and transparent business, and we are committed to keep all fields of our activity fair and honest. |
Močno smo vpeti v slovensko lokalno okolje in ponosni smo, da skupaj z našimi kupci predstavljamo gonilno silo trajnostnega, gospodarskega in socialnega razvoja Slovenije. | We are strongly involved in local Slovenian environment and we are proud to present, together with our customers, the driving force behind the sustainable, economic and social development of Slovenia. |
Zato smo več kot fer. | That is why we are more than fair. |
(+ podpis CEO-ja) | (+ CEO signature) |
LinkedIn – primer objave (sabbatical) | LinkedIn – post example (sabbatical) |
Fotografija dejanskega zaposlenega v podjetju Hofer, ki si je vzel ”sabbatical” za nadaljni študij. | A photo of a Hofer employee, who took a “sabbatical” for follow-up studies. |
Sedi za domačo mizo ob oknu, zunaj je dan, na mizi so knjige – S fotografijo je definiran čas, prostor in namen. | He sits at a table, next to a window, with daylight outside and book on the table – This photo defines the time, place and purpose. |
Pod fotografijo je izjava zaposlenega, na dnu pa opis “benefita” (sabbatical) | Under the photo is a quote made by the employee, and at the bottom the description of the “benefit” (sabbatical) |
LinkedIn – primer objave (Ideja z@ Hofer) | LinkedIn – post example (Idea z@ Hofer) |
Vsakič, ko je bila sprejeta in implementirana ideja iz programa Ideja z@ Hofer, se na LinkedInu objavi fotografija tistega, ki je idejo predlagal s pripisanim imenom in delovnim mestom. | Every time, the idea from the Idea z@ Hofer Programme was accepted and implemented, a photo of the person who gave the idea is published on LinkedIn, including that person’s name and occupation. |
Pod fotografijo je kratka izjava o ideji, v rokah drži “vrednoto” INOVATIVNOST. | Under the photo is a short description of the idea, the employee is holding the “value” INNOVATION. |
Pod sliko z izjavo je še kratka razlaga programa Ideja z@ Hofer. | The area under the picture is also equipped with a short description of the Idea z@Hofer Programme. |
LinkedIn – primer objave (kadrovski) | LinkedIn – post example (personnel department) |
Fotografija dejanskih zaposlenih iz kadrovskega oddelka v prostorih oddelka. | A photo of actual employees from the personnel department in their office space. |
Skupaj držijo “vrednoto” zaposlitev Skupina je slikana za eno od miz oddelka, v ozadju je okno– S fotografijo je definiran čas, prostor in namen. | They are together holding the “value” EMPLOYMENT. |
Pod fotografijo je izjava, na dnu pa opis “benefita” (zaposlitev). | Under the photo is a quote and at the bottom the description of the “benefit” (employment). |
Pod opisom je še gumb za prijavo. | Beneath the description is a button for job application. |
Facebook – primer objave (sabbatical) | Facebook – post example (sabbatical) |
Kadrovski oglas se pojavi tudi na Facebooku, le da v tem primeru nagovarja vodja oddelka. | Personnel department’s advertisement is also published on Facebook, but in this case, it is from the head of the department. |
Tako za isto delovno mesto nagovarja več ljudi: na Instagramu kolektiv oddelka, na FB pa vodja oddelka ali obratno – s tem se še dodatno izkazuje, da smo Hofer različni ljudje, ki smo skupaj del večjega kolektiva, ki ponuja mnoge priložnosti. | Thus, several people are addressed for the same occupation: on Instagram the department collective, on FB the head of the department, or vice versa – this further demonstrates that Hofer is represented by different people, who are part of a bigger collective, which offers many opportunities. |
Vodja oddelka v rokah drži besedo “Zaposlitev”, pod fotografijo je nagovor/povabilo, pod opisom je še gumb za prijavo. | The head of the department is holding the word “Employment”, and under the photo there is an invitation, which is followed with a button for job application. |
Na zaslonih se vrstijo naslednji tipi objav: | The following types of posts are displayed on the monitors: |
Motivacijski nagovori in komentarji dogodkov vodstvenega kadra (ti so bodisi posneti, bodisi napisani – ob tem, da mora biti vodstveni kader prisoten s fotografijo, imenom in funkcijo). | Motivational speeches and comments on the events held by the managerial staff (these can be recorded on video, or written – however, a photo with the managerial staff has to be added, including name and function). |
Vsebujejo npr. | The contain, for example, congratulatory paragraphs for the participants of the Ljubljana Marathon, announcements about the received prizes, introduction of novelties, New Year’s party announcement etc. |
Motivacijski in obveščevalni filmčki (na vseh dogodkih bo prisotna kamera, ali pa vsaj fotograf, ki bo sleherni dogodek dokumentiral – materiali bodo služili za vse vrste objav, od LinkedIna do uporabe za tiskane in spletne medije) | Motivational and notification videos (every event is documented on video or by a photographer – the material serves all kinds of posts, from LinkedIn to printed and digital media) |
Sporočila o dobljenih nagradah | Announcements about received prizes |
Zaposlitveni oglasi (to je pomembno za že zaposlene, ker lahko predlagajo za razpisano mesto prijatelja in s tem dobijo nagrado) | Job ads (this is important for those already employed, because they can recommend a friend for vacancy and later receive a prize) |
*VSI zaposlitveni oglasi v VSEH medijih vsebujejo neposredno povezavo na kariera. | *ALL job portals in ALL media contain a direct link to kariera. |
Hofer.si | Hofer.si |
Nekateri zaposlitveni portali nudijo možnost objave zaposlitvenega oglasa po željah ponudniki, drugi pa dovoljujejo le vnašanje oglasa po omejitvah njihovega spletnega mesta. | Some job portals offer the opportunity to post a job ad according to the preferences of the job providers, while others allow only the ads to be entered by the limits of their website. |
Kje je možno, se bodo zaposlitveni oglasi objavljali v enakem/podobnem slogu kot na LinkedInu – Z resnično osebo z imenom in nazivom, ki bo osebno nagovarjala s kratko izjavo, v rokah bo držala “vrednoto” ZAPOSLITEV. | Wherever possible, the job ads will be posted in the same/similar style as those on LinkedIn – with a real person including their name and title, who is personally address the visitor with a short statement, and holding the “value” EMPLOYMENT. |
Zaposlitveni portal – Primer objave | Job portal - Post example |
Glede na različne tipe dogodkov in sejmov, predvsem pa glede na razpoložljiv prostor, bo Hofer “stojnica” zgrajena MODULARNO (s pomočjo predelnih sten). | Depending on the events and fairs, but especially depending on the space provided, the Hofer “stand” will be constructed MODULARLY (with the help of partition walls). |
S tem lahko glede na tip in velikost dogodkov in sejmov prilagajamo tudi velikost, postavitev in vsebino same “stojnice”. | With this, depending on the type and size of the events and fairs, we can also adjust the size, layout and the content of the “stand”. |
Izgled modularne “stojnice” je: | The appearance of the modular “stand” is: |
V barvah podjetja Hofer. | In the colours of Hofer. |
Je zasnovana ergonomsko (pulti, stoli, mize so uporabniku prijazni, udobni in tudi prijetni na pogled) | Ergonomically designed (countertops, chairs, tables are user-friendly, comfortable and pleasing to the eye) |
Je polna sporočil (na paravanih in v brošurah) zaposlenih, vrednot, prednosti zaposlenosti v podjetju Hofer, družbene odgovornosti in angažiranosti podjetja Hofer glede trajnostnega razvoja, ipd. | Filled with messages (on paravanes on brochures) written by the employees, values, advantages of working for Hofer, social responsibility and engagement of the Hofer company towards sustainable development etc. |
“Stojnica” je OAZA, prostor, ki je prijeten že samo na pogled, prostor, ki vabi in ki ponuja veliko več, kot je pričakovano. | “Stand” is an OASIS, a space pleasing to the eye alone, a space that invites and offers much more than expected. |
VSE (vsaj tavečje) sejme in dogodke se snema, manjše vsaj fotografira, saj so videoposnetki in fotografije ključnega pomena za oglaševanje na LinkedInu in FB-ju. | EVERY (at least the bigger ones) fairs are filmed, the smaller ones are photographed by the least, because the videos and photos are the key to advertising on LinkedIn and FB. |
Največja postavitev “stojnice”, primerna za največje dogodke in sejme. | The largest layout of the “stand” is suitable for the largest events and fairs. |
Vsebuje: | It includes: |
Pult z barskimi stoli (na pultu se dobi splošne informacije in pa različne 4 stranske letake z različnimi temami – različnimi razpoložljivimi poklici, ki jih Hofer ponuja, in vrednotami. | A countertop with bar stools (general information is provided at the counter, including four different flyers with various themes – different vacancies, offered by Hofer, and values. |
“Separeje” (vsaj 3) z udobnimi stoli in mizo, kjer se lahko udeleženci detajlno pozanimajo o poklicih, ki jih Hofer nudi, in pogovorijo o možnostih zaposlitve v podjetju Hofer. | “Cubicles” (at least three) with comfortable chairs and a table, where the visitors can find out more about the professions offered by Hofer and discuss Hofer’s job opportunities. |
Prostor, kje lahko posamezniki po želji opravijo psihometrični test in se pogovorijo s kariernim svetovalcem | An area, where individuals can do a psychometric test and talk to a career advisor. |
Prostor za nagradno igro | Prize game area |
Paravani s slogani, ki izpostavljajo, da Hofer ni zgolj trgovina, da ponuja paleto različnih poklicov, vrednote, ki povezujejo zaposlene in preko katerih podjetje Hofer deluje kot ljudem, okolju in naravi prijazno podjetje | Paravanes with slogans, which emphasise that Hofer is more than just a store, that it offers a wide range of professions, values that connect employees and through which Hofer functions as a people-, environment- and nature-friendly company. |
Predstavitve, pogovore in seznanjanje s podjetjem Hofer nudijo (priučene) hostes EEMM Hostes agency (s katerimi je Hofer že sodeloval) | Presentations, conversations and introduction of the Hofer company is provided by (learned) hostesses of the EEMM Hostess agency (with which Hofer has cooperated in the past) |
Srednje velika postavitev “stojnice”, primerna za velike in srednje velike dogodke in sejme. | The medium-sized layout of the “stand” is suitable for large and medium-sized events and fairs. |
Vsebuje: | It includes: |
Pult z barskimi stoli (na pultu se dobi splošne informacije in pa različne 4 stranske letake z različnimi temami – različnimi razpoložljivimi poklici, ki jih Hofer ponuja, in vrednotami. | A countertop with bar stools (general information is provided at the counter, including four different flyers with various themes – different vacancies, offered by Hofer, and values. |
Enega do dva “separeja” z udobnimi stoli in mizo, kjer se lahko udeleženci detajlno pozanimajo o poklicih, ki jih Hofer nudi, in pogovorijo o možnostih zaposlitve v podjetju Hofer. | One to two “Cubicles” with comfortable chairs and a table, where the visitors can find out more about the professions offered by Hofer and discuss Hofer’s job opportunities. |
Prostor za nagradno igro | Prize game area |
Paravani s slogani, ki izpostavljajo, da Hofer ni zgolj trgovina, da ponuja paleto različnih poklicov, vrednote, ki povezujejo zaposlene in preko katerih podjetje Hofer deluje kot ljudem, okolju in naravi prijazno podjetje | Paravanes with slogans, which emphasise that Hofer is more than just a store, that it offers a wide range of professions, values that connect employees and through which Hofer functions as a people-, environment- and nature-friendly company. |
Predstavitve, pogovore in seznanjanje s podjetjem Hofer nudijo (priučene) hostes EEMM Hostes agency (s katerimi je Hofer že sodeloval) | Presentations, conversations and introduction of the Hofer company is provided by (learned) hostesses of the EEMM Hostess agency (with which Hofer has cooperated in the past) |
Majhna postavitev “stojnice”, primerna za manjše in nišne dogodke. | The small-sized layout of the “stand” is suitable for smaller and niche events. |
Vsebuje: | It includes: |
Pult z barskimi stoli (na pultu se dobi splošne informacije in pa nišne 4 stranske letake (npr. | A countertop with bar stools (general information is provided at the counter, including four niche flyers (e.g., legal services, logistics, marketing etc.) and values. |
ter vrednotami. | Prize game area (if the allocated space is sufficient) |
Paravan s slogani, ki izpostavljajo, da Hofer ni zgolj trgovina, da ponuja paleto različnih poklicov (predvsem nišnega, na račun teme dogodka) ter vrednote, ki povezujejo zaposlene | Paravanes with slogans, which emphasise that Hofer is more than just a store, that it offers a wide range of professions (mostly niche-related, at the expense of the event) and values that connect the employees. |
Predstavitve, pogovore in seznanjanje s podjetjem Hofer nudijo (priučene) hostes EEMM Hostes agency (s katerimi je Hofer že sodeloval) | Presentations, conversations and introduction of the Hofer company is provided by (learned) hostesses of the EEMM Hostess agency (with which Hofer has cooperated in the past) |
Dogodki – Karierni sejem Moje delo | Events – the Career Fair “Moje delo” |
Na sejmu bomo prisotni z modularno stojnico A. Stojnica je sestavljena iz: | At the fair, we will have the modular stand A. The stand is comprised of: |
Pulta, pri katerem so na voljo “splošne informacije” in pa različni 4 stranski letaki (za vsak oddelek, ki bi ga Hofer rad izpostavljal - pravna služba, HR oddelek, oddelek za logistiko, marketing, ipd.). | A countertop with “genral information” and four different flyers (for each department that Hofer would like to highlight - legal service, HR department, logistics department, marketing etc.) The flyers will be designed in the flyer-style, mentioned at Days of Slovenian Lawyers. |
Dveh do treh separejev z udobnimi stoli in mizo, kjer se lahko posamezniki bolje spoznajo s posameznimi oddelki s pomočjo (priučenih) hostes EEMM Hostes agency (s katerimi je Hofer že sodeloval) | Two of three cubicles with comfortable chairs and a table, where individuals can find out more about separate departments with the help of (learned) hostesses from the EEMM Hostess agency (with which Hofer has cooperated in the past) |
Prostora, kje lahko posamezniki po želji opravijo psihometrični test in se pogovorijo s kariernim svetovalcem | An area, where individuals can do a psychometric test and talk to a career advisor |
Paravanov s slogani, ki izpostavljajo, da Hofer ni zgolj trgovina, da ponuja paleto različnih poklicov, vrednote, ki povezujejo zaposlene in preko katerih podjetje Hofer deluje kot ljudem, okolju in naravi prijazno podjetje | Paravanes with slogans, which emphasise that Hofer is more than just a store, that it offers a wide range of professions, values that connect employees and through which Hofer functions as a people-, environment- and nature-friendly company. |
Prostora za nagradno igro | Prize game area |
Oprema in izgled stojnice: stojnica bo v barvah podjetja Hofer, logotipi so minimalistično vmeščeni, na različnih površinah pa bi se komunicirala predvsem širina različnih delovnih mest, ki jih podjetje Hofer ponuja, vrednote in pa dejstvo, da smo Hofer ljudje. | Equipment and stand appearance: the stand will be in the colours of Hofer, the logos will be minimalistic, and in different areas the range of various jobs, offered by Hofer, is communicated as well as the values and the fact that Hofer represents the people. |
Primeri HL-jev: | HL examples: |
Smo ljudje mnogoterih poklicov. | We are people of many professions. |
Smo ljudje, ki nas povezujejo skupne vrednote. | We are people, connected by different values. |
Hofer smo zanimivi ljudje. | Hofer is interesting people. |
Hofer smo tudi pravniki, logistiki, marketingarji, IT-jevci ... | Hofer is also lawyers, logistics experts, marketers, IT experts ... |
Pri nas lahko vsak najde svoj poklic. | Here, everyone can find their profession. |
Pri nas lahko najdete svoj sanjski poklic. | Here, you can find your dream profession. |
Prijazni do ljudi, prijazni do narave. | People-friendly, nature-friendly. |
Hofer – več kot trgovec. | Hofer - more than a salesperson. |
Ljudje za ljudi. | People for the people. |
Hofer. | Hofer. |
Smo več kot trgovina, smo dober zaposlovalec. | We are more than a store; we are good employer. |
NAGRADNA IGRA: Activity (Hofertivity) | PRIZE COMPETITION: Activity (Hofertivity) |
Activity je preprosta in popularna igra, ki pri igralcih spodbuja ustvarjalnost. | Activity is a simple and popular game, which invokes creativity in the participants. |
Gre za preprost koncept: Pojme, ki jih igralec dobi, mora predstaviti bodisi z risanjem, razlago ali pantomimo. | It has a simple concept: The words received by the player, they must present either by drawing, talking or through pantomime. |
Za namen sejma bi priredili igro Activity in sicer tako, da bi igralec “izžrebal” igralno karto, na kateri so pojmi povezani s podjetjem Hofer: poklici, vrednote, pojmi s področij kot so trajnostni razvoj, zdravje, inovativnost, prilagodljivost, znanje, ipd. | For the purpose of the fair, the game Activity would be organized in such a way that the player would “draw out” a game card with the concepts of Hofer: occupations, values, terms from fields such as sustainable development, health, innovation, adaptability, skill etc. |
, igralec pa bo po lastni želji moral ta pojem predstaviti bodisi z risanjem, pantomimo ali razlago, v kateri pa seveda ne sme uporabiti besede, ki opisuje izžreban pojem. | The player will then be able to choose whether they wish to present the term by either drawing, miming or talking, during which time, they of course, are not allowed to use the word taht describes the term on the card. |
Uspešni bodo nagrajeni z: | Those who do well will be awarded with: |
Blagnato nakupovalno vrečko z natisnjenimi sporočili (eko, nizek ogljični odtis, ipd.) | A cloth bag with printed messages (eco, low carbon footprint etc.) |
solarnim polnilcem za mobitel, brandiran s pozivom k zamenjavi mobilnega operaterja oz. | a solar phone charger, branded with an invitation to change mobile operator, i.e., to switch to Hofer operator HoT.si |
lončkom presenečenja (lonček, v katerem so posejana semena nekega zelišča ... presenečenje) | a surprise cup (a cup, sown with an unknown herb ... surprise) |
Zapestnice z modrimi mislimi, ki vsebujejo vrednote podjetja Hofer | Wristbands with words of wisdom, which include the Hofer values |
Komunikacijski kanali – Sejem bi se oglaševal: | Communication channels - The fair would be advertised: |
Hofer Instagram | Hofer Instagram |
Hofer Facebook | Hofer Facebook |
Na spletni strani sejma | On the fair website |
Tiskani oglasi v časopisih in revijah | Printed advertisements in newspapers and magazines |
Radijski oglasi | Radio advertisements |
Bannerji | Banners |
Naknadno se bo objavilo posnetke s sejma, ki se jih bo objavilo na Hofer LinkedInu in Facebooku. | Eventually, the short video clips from the fair will be published on Hofer LinkedIn and Facebook. |
Na sejmu bomo prisotni z modularno stojnico A. | At the fair, we will have the modular stand A. |
Poleg vseh sestavnih delov za modularno stojnico A. (pult, 4 stranski letaki, separeji, prostor za psihometrični test, paravani s slogani, prostor za nagradno igro, profesionalne hostese, ipd.), bi na tem sejmu še prav posebej in osebno izpostavili različne in tudi nekaj “eksotičnih” poklicev v podjetju Hofer in sicer po principu “Speed dating”-a. | In addition to all components of the modular stand A (countertop, four flyers, cubicles, psychometric test area, paravanes with slogans, prize game area, professional hostesses etc.) we would like to make a special and personal mention of some different and some more “exotic” occupations at Hofer as well, namely in the form of “Speed Dating”. |
Seveda v tem primeru ne bi šlo za zmenkarije, temveč za to, da bi posameznik v roku 5 minut spoznal 5 različnih poklicnih profilov zaposlenih v podjetju Hofer (Npr. pravnika, IT-jevca, vzdrževalca sončnih celic, čebelarja in pokuševalca), nato pa bi se poiskusil predstaviti še sam. | Of course, this would not be a dating game, but an opportunity for each individual to find out more about five different Hofer occupation profiles (e.g., lawayer, IT expert, solar cell maintenance worker, beekeeper and taster) each in five minutes, and after them, they would try to introduce themselves as well. |
Ne glede na uspeh njegove ali njene predstavitve, bi dobili poseben letak, ki bi vseboval koristne nasvete glede pristopanja do novega delodajalca, oz. | Regardless of their success of their introduction, they would receive a special flyer, which would include useful advice on how to approach a new employer, i.e., the company Hofer – How to present yourself, what to say about yourself, how to highlight your strengths etc. |
NAGRADA: Zmagovalec prejme brošuro o tem kako se uspešno predstaviti podjetju Hofer (brošura vsebuje tudi možnosti zaposlitev in pa vrednote, ki jih Hofer živi) | PRIZE: The winner is awarded a brochure on how to successfully present yourself to Hofer (the brochure also includes job opportunities and the values, practiced by Hofer) |
Predevanje/delavnica na temo “razvoj in izobraževanje kadrov v domačem in mednarodnem okolju”. | Lecture/workshop on the topic “development and training of personnel in the domestic and international environment”. |
Poudarek na dobrih praksah, številčnosti različnih poklicev znotraj podjetja Hofer in vrednostami, ki jih Hofer prakticira, njegovi sodelavci pa živijo. | Emphasis on good practices, the abundance of different occupations in Hofer and the values, practiced by Hofer, and lived by the co-workers. |
Dnevi slovenskih pravnikov | Days of Slovenian Lawyers |
Komunikacija temelji na prestavitvi pravne službe podjetja Hofer, s posebnim poudarkom na predstavniku funkcije pravnega zastopnika zaposlenih. | The communication is based on the relocation of Hofer’s legal department, with special emphasis on the representative of the legal representative for employees. |
Na dogodku bomo prisotni z modularno stojnico tipe C, sestavljene iz: | At the fair, we will have the modular stand type C, consisting of: |
Pulta (+trije barski stoli), pri katerem so na voljo 4 stranski letaki o pravnem oddelku in podjetju Hofer vobče | Countertop (including three bar stools) with four flyers about the legal department and Hofer in general |
Paravana s slogani, primerni nagovarjanju pravnikov: | Paravane with slogans, suitable to address lawyers: |
Smo ljudje mnogoterih poklicov. | We are people of many professions. |
Hofer smo tudi pravniki | Hofer is also lawyers |
Pri nas lahko najdete svoj sanjski poklic. | Here, you can find your dream profession. |
Ljudje za ljudi. | People for the people. |
Hofer. | Hofer. |
3. Roza pentlje za “darilo” (ki služi kot “opozorilo”, da je Hofer podpornik družbeno odgovornih iniciativ. Pentlje bodo v bovli na stolu in ob pingvinu, ki v stavku ali dveh opisue pripadnost podjetja Hofer pri družbeno odgovornih akcijah). | 3. Pink ribbons as a “present” (which serves as a “warning” that Hofer is a supporter of socially responsible initiatives. The ribbons will be in a bowl on a chair next to a banner stand, which in a sentence or two describes Hofer’s association in socially responsible initiatives). |
Na dogodku je prisoten pravni zastopnik zaposlenih iz podjetja Hofer, ki s pomočjo s podjetjem Hfoer seznanjanje hostese EEMM Hostes agency po potrebi razlaga potrebno. | At the event, a legal representative of Hofer employees will be present, who will, with the help of hostesses from the EEMM Hostess agency, acquainted with the company, relay the necessary information. |
Vsebina 4 stranskega letaka*: | Content of the 4-panel brochure*: |
Naslovnica: | Front panel: |
Logotip | Logo |
HL: “Nismo le trgovec, smo tudi dober zaposlovalec ...” | HL: “We are not just a salesman; we are also a good employer ...” |
Pripis na spodnjem robu letaka, ki dopolnjuje HL: “... In iščemo pravnike!” | At the bottom part of the flyer there is an inscription, which complements HL:” ... |
Prva notranja stran (leva polovica): Opis pravne službe podjetja Hofer | The first inside panel (left half) Description of the Hofer legal service |
Druga notranja stran (desna polovica): Opis funkcije pravnega zastopnika zaposlenih | Second inside panel (right half): The description of the function of the legal representative for employees |
Zadnja stran: Opis podjetja Hofer preko vrednot | Last page: Description of Hofer through values |
*Za različne namene bi se delalo različne verzije letaka (za marketing oddelek, logistiko, IT, itd.), spreminjala bi se notranja stran, ki bi govorila o posameznih oddelkih in izpostavljala eno od konkretnih delovnih mest znotraj oddelka. | *For different purposes several versions of the flyer would be designed (for the marketing department, logistics, IT etc.), the inside panel would vary, which would describe different departments and highlight one of their specific posts within the department. |
In pa spreminjal bi se poziv na spodnjem robu naslovnice (npr. “... In iščemo logistika!”, namesto “... In iščemo pravnika v danem primeru) | The inscription at the bottom part of the front panel would vary (for example. “... we are looking for logistics experts!”, instead “... And we’re looking for lawyers in the given example) |
Vsebina pingvina: | Content of the banner stand: |
Logotip | Logo |
Fotografija pravne službe podjetja Hofer s pripisom “Smo sodelavci pravne službe podjetja Hofer.” | Photo of the Hofer legal service with an inscription “We are co-workers of the Hofer legal service.” |
Nekaj benefitov zaposlitve v pravnem oddelku podjetja Hofer | Some benefits of being employed at the Hofer legal department |
Kongres pisarniške odličnosti | Congress of Office Excellence |
Kongres na enem mestu združi več kot 400 poslovnih sekretark, tajnic, poslovnih asistentk in vodij pisarn iz cele Slovenije. | The Congress unites more than 400 business secretaries, secretaries, business assistants and office managers from all parts of Slovenia. |
Kongres pisarniške odličnosti poleg navdihujočih predavateljev prinaša nepozabno druženje s pestrim spremljevalnim programom, nagradami in aktivnostmi. | In addition to inspiring lecturers, brings an unforgettable socializing opportunity with an entertaining programme, prizes and activities. |
Komunikacija temelji na prestavitvi “back office”-a podjetja Hofer (tajnice, poslovne sekretarke, ipd.), s posebnim poudarkom na predstavi izbranega delovnega mesta oddelka. | The communication is based on the relocation of Hofer’s “back office” (secretaries, business secretaries etc.) with special emphasis on the presentation of the department’s occupation. |
Na dogodku bomo prisotni z modularno stojnico tipe C, sestavljene iz: | At the fair, we will have the modular stand type C, consisting of: |
Pulta (+trije barski stoli), pri katerem so na voljo 4 stranski letaki o “back office” oddelku in podjetju Hofer vobče | Countertop (including three bar stools) with four flyers about the legal department and Hofer in general |
Paravana s slogani, primerni nagovarjanju tajnic in poslovnih sekretark: | Paravane with slogans, suitable to address secretaries and business secretaries: |
Smo ljudje mnogoterih poklicov. | We are people of many professions. |
Hofer smo tudi poslovne sekretarke | Hofer is also business secretaries |
Pri nas lahko najdete svoj sanjski poklic. | Here, you can find your dream profession. |
Ljudje za ljudi. | People for the people. |
Hofer. | Hofer. |
Na dogodku je prisotna tudi predstavnica “back office” oddelka, ki s pomočjo s podjetjem Hfoer seznanjanje hostese EEMM Hostes agency po potrebi razlaga potrebno. | At the event, a “back office” department representative will be present, who will, with the help of hostesses from the EEMM Hostess agency, acquainted with the company, relay the necessary information. |
Vsebina 4 stranskega letaka*: | Content of the 4-panel brochure*: |
Naslovnica: | Front panel: |
Logotip | Logo |
HL: “Nismo le trgovec, smo tudi dober zaposlovalec ...” | HL: “We are not just a salesman; we are also a good employer ...” |
Pripis na spodnjem robu letaka, ki dopolnjuje HL: “... In iščemo poslovne sekretarke!” | At the bottom part of the flyer there is an inscription, which complements HL:” ... |
Prva notranja stran (leva polovica): Opis “back office” oddelka podjetja Hofer | The first inside panel (left half) Description of the Hofer “back office” department |
Druga notranja stran (desna polovica): Opis funkcije različnih delovnih mest znotraj “back office” oddelka | Second inside panel (right half): Description of the function of different occupation within the “back office” department |
Zadnja stran: Opis podjetja Hofer preko vrednot | Last page: Description of Hofer through values |
Komunikacija na festivalu SEMPL bo temeljila na prestavitvi širine ponudbe različnih delovnih mest podjetja Hofer, s posebnim poudarkom na oddelku za marketing. | The communication at the SEMPL festival will be based on the presentation of the wide-range of different occupations at Hofer, with special emphasis on the marketing department. |
Na dogodku bomo prisotni z modularno stojnico tipe B ali C, sestavljene iz: | At the fair, we will have the modular stand type B or C, consisting of: |
Visok pult + 3 barski stoli | High countertop with three bar stools |
4 stranski letaki (z vsebino oddelka za marketing) | Four flyers (with the content suitable for marketing) |
Pingvin (na katerem se predstavi kolektiv oddelka za marketing + nekaj benefitov, ki jih zaposlenost v podjetju Hofer prinaša – oboje v slogu pingvina, ki bo stal tudi na Dneh slovenskih pravnikov) | Banner stand (on which the marketing department collective will introduce itself and it will also include some benefits from being a Hofer employee – both will be designed in the banner stand style, which will be erected at the Days of Slovenian Lawyers as well) |
Paravan s slogani, primerni nagovarjanju marketingarjev: | Paravane with slogans, suitable to address marketers: |
Smo ljudje mnogoterih poklicov. | We are people of many professions. |
Hofer smo tudi marketingarji. | Hofer is also marketers |
Pri nas lahko najdete svoj sanjski poklic. | Here, you can find your dream profession. |
Ljudje za ljudi. | People for the people. |
Hofer. | Hofer. |
Igra Activity (ki je bila razložena pri Kariernem sejmu) | Game activity (which is explained at Career Fair) |
Komunikacijski kanali: | Communication channels: |
Napoved dogodka na Hofer FB strani, LinkedInu in spletni strani (slider), na spletni strani festivala SEMPL, članek v Marketing Magazinu (PR + tiskani oglas z vrednotami) | The event will be announced on the Hofer Facebook page, LinkedIn and website (slider), on the website of SEMPL festival, in a Marketing Magazine article (PR and printed ad with values) |
Na SEMPLu predstavitev marketinškega oddelka prek delavnice. | At SEMPL the marketing department will be presented with the help of a workshop Topic: Marketing department + good practice (with the example of the Bee Campaign and/or Fer Fud) - This is at the same time one of crucial parameters of the Zlata nit/Golden Thread competition |
Po festivalu se na Hofer LinkedInu, Facebook strani in spletni strani predstavi filmček in/ali fotografije s festivala. | After the festival, a short film and/or photos from the festival will be published on Hofer LinkedIn, Facebook and website. |
Sample Translation Science
Science Sample Translation
Source (English) | Target (Slovenian) |
Good morning everybody. | 00:03 |
I'd like to talk about a couple of things today. | Danes bi se rad pogovoril o nekaj zadevah. |
The first thing is water. | Prvo o vodi. |
Now I see you've all been enjoying the water that's been provided for you here at the conference, over the past couple of days. | Vidim, da je vsem všeč voda, ki so vam jo dali na konferenci v zadnjih nekaj dneh. |
And I'm sure you'll feel that it's from a safe source. | In zagotovo tudi ne dvomite, da je neoporečna. |
00:19 | 00:19 |
But what if it wasn't? | Ampak kaj, če ne bi bila? |
What if it was from a source like this? | Kaj, če bi njen vir bil takšen? |
Then statistics would actually say that half of you would now be suffering with diarrhea. | V tem primeru bi na podlagi statističnih podatkov polovica prisotnih trpela za diarejo. |
I talked a lot in the past about statistics, and the provision of safe drinking water for all. | V preteklosti sem veliko govoril o statistikah in zagotavljanju varne pitne vode za vsakega, kar pa ni padlo na plodna tla. |
And I think I've worked out why. | In mislim, da sem ugotovil zakaj. |
It's because, using current thinking, the scale of the problem just seems too huge to contemplate solving. | Zaradi trenutnega načina razmišljanja, se nam zdi obseg problema prevelik, da bi lahko razmišljali o tem, kako ga rešiti. |
So we just switch off: us, governments and aid agencies. | Zato se nehamo ozirati na sebe, vlade ter organizacije za humanitarno pomoč. |
Well, today, I'd like to show you that through thinking differently, the problem has been solved. | No, danes bi vam rad pokazal, da je bil problem rešen s pomočjo drugačnega načina razmišljanja. |
By the way, since I've been speaking, another 13,000 people around the world are suffering now with diarrhea. | Mimogrede, od začetka mojega govora, je za diarejo zbolelo 13.000 dodatnih ljudi. |
And four children have just died. | In pravkar so umrli štirje otroci. |
01:24 | 01:24 |
I invented Lifesaver bottle because I got angry. | Čutaro Lifesaver sem izumil, zaradi besa. |
I, like most of you, was sitting down, the day after Christmas in 2004, when I was watching the devastating news of the Asian tsunami as it rolled in, playing out on TV. | Kot večina izmed vas, sem dan po božiču leta 2004 tudi jaz sedel doma ter po televiziji spremljal novice o cunamiju, ki je opustošil dele Azije. |
The days and weeks that followed, people fleeing to the hills, being forced to drink contaminated water or face death. | Naslednjih nekaj dni ter tednov so ljudje bežali v hribe, kjer niso imeli druge izbire, kot piti onesnaženo vodo ali pa se soočiti s smrtjo. |
That really stuck with me. | To mi ni dalo miru. |
Then, a few months later, Hurricane Katrina slammed into the side of America. | Nekaj mesecev kasneje je v Ameriko pridivjal orkan Katrina. |
"Okay," I thought, "here's a First World country, let's see what they can do." | "Dobro," sem si mislil, "zdaj imamo državo Prvega sveta, poglejmo kaj zmorejo." |
Day one: nothing. | Prvi dan: nič. |
Day two: nothing. | Drugi dan: nič. |
Do you know it took five days to get water to the Superdome? | Se zavedate, da je za dostavo vode do dvorane Superdome bilo potrebnih pet dni? |
People were shooting each other on the streets for TV sets and water. | Ljudje so se streljali po ulicah za televizorje in vodo. |
That's when I decided I had to do something. | V tistem trenutku sem se odločil, da moram glede tega nekaj storiti. |
02:23 | 02:23 |
Now I spent a lot of time in my garage, over the next weeks and months, and also in my kitchen -- much to the dismay of my wife. | Veliko časa sem preživel v garaži, nekaj tednov, mesecev. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
However, after a few failed prototypes, I finally came up with this, the Lifesaver bottle. | Toda po nekaj neuspelih poskusih sem iznašel čutaro Lifesaver. |
02:39 | 02:39 |
Okay, now for the science bit. | No, zdaj pa znanstveni del. |
Before Lifesaver, the best hand filters were only capable of filtering down to about 200 nanometers. | Pred Lifesaverjem so najboljši prenosni filtri bili zmožni prefiltrirati le do približno 200 nanometrov velike delce. |
The smallest bacteria is about 200 nanometers. | Najmanjša bakterija je velika približno 200 nanometrov. |
So a 200-nanometer bacteria is going to get through a 200-nanometer hole. | Torej bo 200 nanometrov velika bakterija uspela priti skozi 200 nanometrov veliko luknjo. |
The smallest virus, on the other hand, is about 25 nanometers. | Toda najmanjši virus je velik približno 25 nanometrov in bo zagotovo uspel priti skozi 200 nanometrov velike luknje. |
Lifesaver pores are 15 nanometers. | Pore Lifesaverja imajo premer 15 nanometrov. |
So nothing is getting through. | Torej ne spustijo skozi ničesar. |
03:15 | 03:15 |
Okay, I'm going to give you a bit of a demonstration. | Dobro, pripravil sem majhno predstavitev. |
Would you like to see that? | Vas zanima? |
I spent all the time setting this up, so I guess I should. | Po tolikšnem času priprave mislim, da se jo splača ogledati. |
We're in the fine city of Oxford. | Nahajamo se v krasnem mestu Oxford. |
So -- someone's done that up. | Zato -- nekdo je to dobro zaprl. |
Fine city of Oxford, so what I've done is I've gone and got some water from the River Cherwell, and the River Thames, that flow through here. | Smo v krasnem mestu Oxford in zato sem zbral nekaj vode iz rek Cherwell in Temze, ki tečeta skozi mesto. |
And this is the water. | In tukaj je njuna voda. |
But I got to thinking, you know, if we were in the middle of a flood zone in Bangladesh, the water wouldn't look like this. | Ampak potem sem pomislil, da voda sredi poplave v Bangladešu ne bi bila takšna. |
So I've gone and got some stuff to add into it. | Zato sem prinesel še nekaj dodatnih stvari. |
And this is from my pond. | To je iz mojega ribnika. |
03:46 | 03:46 |
(Sniffs) (Coughs) Have a smell of that, mister cameraman. | (Povoha) (Zakašlja) Povohajte to, gospod snemalec. |
03:50 | 03:50 |
Okay. | Dobro. |
(Laughs) | (Smeh) |
Right. | Prav. |
We're just going to pour that in there. | To bomo enostavno vlili noter. |
03:57 | 03:57 |
Audience: Ugh! | Občinstvo: Pfuj! |
03:59 | 03:59 |
Michael Pritchard: Okay. | Michael Pritchard: Dobro. |
We've got some runoff from a sewage plant farm. | Imamo še odpadno vodo iz centralne čistilne naprave. |
So I'm just going to put that in there. | Torej bom dodal še to. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
Put that in there. | Kar dodajmo. |
There we go. | Tako. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
And some other bits and pieces, chuck that in there. | In še nekaj drugih drobcev. |
And I've got a gift here from a friend of mine's rabbit. | Zdaj pa še darilce od prijateljevega zajca. |
So we're just going to put that in there as well. | In bomo dodali še to. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
Okay. | Dobro. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
Now. | No tako. |
04:29 | 04:29 |
The Lifesaver bottle works really simply. | Čutara Lifesaver je zelo preprosta za uporabo. |
You just scoop the water up. | Vodo preprosto zajamemo. |
Today I'm going to use a jug just to show you all. | Danes bom uporabil vrč, da vam lahko pokažem. |
Let's get a bit of that poo in there. | Zajemimo nekaj iztrebkov. |
That's not dirty enough. | To ni dovolj umazano. |
Let's just stir that up a little bit. | Malo premešajmo. |
Okay, so I'm going to take this really filthy water, and put it in here. | Torej to zelo umazano vodo bom prelil sem. |
Do you want a drink yet? | Ste že žejni? |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
Okay. | Dobro. |
There we go. | No, pa gremo. |
Replace the top. | Namestimo zamašek. |
Give it a few pumps. | Nekajkrat pritisnemo. |
Okay? | Prav? |
That's all that's necessary. | To je vse. |
Now as soon as I pop the teat, sterile drinking water is going to come out. | Takoj ko bom odprl ventil, bo ven začela teči sterilna pitna voda. |
I've got to be quick. | Moram biti hiter. |
Okay, ready? | Dobro, pripravljeni? |
There we go. | No, tako. |
Mind the electrics. | Pazimo na elektroniko. |
That is safe, sterile drinking water. | To je varna, sterilna pitna voda. |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
Cheers. | Na zdravje. |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
There you go Chris. | Izvoli Chris. |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
What's it taste of? | Kakšen okus ima? |
05:47 | 05:47 |
Chris Anderson: Delicious. | Chris Anderson: Izvrsten. |
05:49 | 05:49 |
Michael Pritchard: Okay. | Michael Pritchard: Dobro. |
Let's see Chris's program throughout the rest of the show. | Glejmo, kako se bo med predstavo godilo Chrisu. |
Okay? | Prav? |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
05:58 | 05:58 |
Okay. | Dobro. |
Lifesaver bottle is used by thousands of people around the world. | Čutaro Lifesaver uporablja na tisoče ljudi po celem svetu. |
It'll last for 6,000 liters. | Zadošča za 6.000 litrov. |
And when it's expired, using failsafe technology, the system will shut off, protecting the user. | Ko njena uporabnost poteče, se sistem s pomočjo varovalnega mehanizma izključi in tako zaščiti uporabnika. |
Pop the cartridge out. | Tulec s filtrom odstranimo. |
Pop a new one in. | Vstavimo novega. |
It's good for another 6,000 liters. | In zadošča za dodatnih 6.000 litrov. |
06:17 | 06:17 |
So let's look at the applications. | Pa si oglejmo uporabnost. |
Traditionally, in a crisis, what do we do? | Kaj navadno storimo med krizo? |
We ship water. | Vodo prevažamo. |
Then, after a few weeks, we set up camps. | Po nekaj tednih postavimo tabore. |
And people are forced to come into the camps to get their safe drinking water. | Ljudje so nato primorani priti v tabore po svoj delež varne pitne vode. |
What happens when 20,000 people congregate in a camp? | Kaj se zgodi, če se v taboru zbere 20.000 ljudi? |
Diseases spread. | Bolezni se širijo. |
More resources are required. | Potrebna so dodatna sredstva. |
The problem just becomes self-perpetuating. | Problem se pospešuje sam od sebe. |
But by thinking differently, and shipping these, people can stay put. | Toda z drugačnim načinom razmišljanja in dobavljanjem čutar, lahko ljudje ostanejo na enem mestu. |
They can make their own sterile drinking water, and start to get on with rebuilding their homes and their lives. | Sterilno pitno vodo si lahko priskrbijo sami in lahko raje ponovno postavijo na noge sebe ter svoje domove. |
06:58 | 06:58 |
Now, it doesn't require a natural disaster for this to work. | Toda, za vse to ne potrebujemo naravne katastrofe. |
Using the old thinking, of national infrastructure and pipe work, is too expensive. | Uporaba starega načina razmišljanja, državnih infrastruktur ter vodovodov je predraga. |
When you run the numbers on a calculator, you run out of noughts. | Pri izračunu stroškov nam zmanjka ničel. |
So here is the "thinking different" bit. | Zdaj pa je čas za del o "drugačnem načinu razmišljanja". |
07:18 | 07:18 |
Instead of shipping water, and using man-made processes to do it, let's use Mother Nature. | Namesto, da vodo prevažamo s pomočjo umetnih postopkov raje uporabimo mati naravo. |
She's got a fantastic system. | Saj že ima čudovit postopek. |
She picks the water up from there, desalinates it, for free, transports it over there, and dumps it onto the mountains, rivers, and streams. | Vodo zbere tam, jo brezplačno razsoli, jo prenese tja in jo odvrže na gore, v reke in potoke. |
And where do people live? | In kje živijo ljudje? |
Near water. | V bližini vode. |
All we've go to do is make it sterile. | Moramo jo le še sterilizirati. |
How do we do that? | Kako pa storimo to? |
07:42 | 07:42 |
Well, we could use the Lifesaver bottle. | No, lahko uporabimo čutaro Lifesaver. |
Or we could use one of these. | Lahko pa uporabimo tudi kaj takšnega. |
The same technology, in a jerry can. | Enaka tehnologija, v kanistru. |
This will process 25,000 liters of water; that's good enough for a family of four, for three years. | S tem lahko prečistimo 25.000 litrov vode; kar lahko oskrbi štiričlansko družino za tri leta. |
And how much does it cost? | Kaj pa cena? |
About half a cent a day to run. | Za dan uporabe odštejete le pol centa. |
Thank you. | Hvala. |
08:08 | 08:08 |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
08:11 | 08:11 |
So, by thinking differently, and processing water at the point of use, mothers and children no longer have to walk four hours a day to collect their water. | Torej, z drugačnim načinom razmišljanja in recikliranjem vode v ospredju materam in otrokom ne bo več treba hoditi štiri ure na dan, da bi prišli do vode. |
They can get it from a source nearby. | Lahko jo dobijo iz bližnjega vira. |
So with just eight billion dollars, we can hit the millennium goal's target of halving the number of people without access to safe drinking water. | Le z 8 milijardami dolarjev lahko dosežemo cilj tisočletja in razpolovimo število ljudi brez dostopa do varne pitne vode. |
To put that into context, The U.K. government spends about 12 billion pounds a year on foreign aid. | V kontekstu to pomeni, da Britanska vlada porabi 12 milijard funtov na leto za pomoč v tujini. |
But why stop there? | Zakaj bi se ustavili tukaj? |
With 20 billion dollars, everyone can have access to safe drinking water. | Z 20 milijardami dolarjev bi lahko imeli vsi dostop do varne pitne vode. |
So the three-and-a-half billion people that suffer every year as a result, and the two million kids that die every year, will live. | Tri milijarde in pol ljudi, ki posledično trpijo vsako leto in 2 milijona otrok, ki vsako leto umrejo, bo tako preživelo. |
Thank you. | Hvala. |
09:10 | 09:10 |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
Sample Translation Science
Science Sample Translation
Source (English) | Target (Slovenian) |
00:04 | 00:04 |
I've always written primarily about architecture, about buildings, and writing about architecture is based on certain assumptions. | Vedno sem pisal o arhitekturi, o zgradbah, in pisanje o arhitekturi temelji na določenih domnevah. |
An architect designs a building, and it becomes a place, or many architects design many buildings, and it becomes a city, and regardless of this complicated mix of forces of politics and culture and economics that shapes these places, at the end of the day, you can go and you can visit them. | Arhitekt ustvari zasnuje stavbo, ki se razvije v prostor, več arhitektov pa zasnuje več stavb, ki se razvijejo v mesto. |
You can walk around them. | Lahko se po njih sprehodimo. |
You can smell them. | Lahko jih vdihnemo. |
You can get a feel for them. | Lahko jih občutimo. |
You can experience their sense of place. | Lahko izkusimo njihov obstoj kot kraj. |
00:33 | Toda v zadnjih nekaj letih me je osupnilo to, da sem se vedno manj podajal v svet in se vedno bolj pogosto znašel pred računalniškim zaslonom. |
And especially since about 2007, when I got an iPhone, I was not only sitting in front of my screen all day, but I was also getting up at the end of the day and looking at this little screen that I carried in my pocket. | Še bolj pogosto pa od leta 2007, ko sem kupil svoj iPhone, in nisem cele dneve le posedal pred zaslonom, toda sem ob koncu dneva tudi gledal v ta majhen zaslon, ki sem ga imel v žepu. |
And what was surprising to me was how quickly my relationship to the physical world had changed. | Presenetilo me je, kako hitro se je spremenil moj odnos do fizičnega sveta. |
In this very short period of time, you know, whether you call it the last 15 years or so of being online, or the last, you know, four or five years of being online all the time, our relationship to our surroundings had changed in that our attention is constantly divided. | V tem zelo kratkem času, naj bo to zadnjih 15 let, ki jih preživljamo na spletu, ali pa zadnjih štiri, pet let, ko je splet del našega vsakdana, se je naš odnos do okolja spremenil v razdvojenost naše pozornosti. |
You know, we're both looking inside the screens and we're looking out in the world around us. | Obenem gledamo v ekrane in opazujemo svet okrog nas. |
01:16 | Še bolj pa me je osupnilo in mi tudi ni dalo miru to, da mi je svet znotraj zaslona dal vtis, da je brez lastne fizične resničnosti. |
If you went and looked for images of the Internet, this was all that you found, this famous image by Opte of the Internet as the kind of Milky Way, this infinite expanse where we don't seem to be anywhere on it. | Če si želel poiskati slike interneta, je to vse kar si našel, to slavno Optejevo sliko interneta kot neke vrste Rimska cesta, ki se razprostira v neskončnost in se ne najdemo nikjer znotraj nje. |
We can never seem to grasp it in its totality. | Nikoli je ne zmoremo dojeti v celoti. |
It's always reminded me of the Apollo image of the Earth, the blue marble picture, and it's similarly meant to suggest, I think, that we can't really understand it as a whole. | Mene vedno spominja na sliko Zemlje, ki jo je posnel Apollo, slika modre frnikole. |
We're always sort of small in the face of its expanse. | da je ne moremo v razumeti v celoti. |
01:52 | Vedno smo majhni navkljub njeni razsežnosti. |
So if there was this world and this screen, and if there was the physical world around me, I couldn't ever get them together in the same place. | Če bi torej imel ta zaslonski svet in okrog sebe fizični svet, ju ne bi nikoli uspel združiti na enem mestu. |
02:01 | In potem se je zgodilo to. |
My Internet broke one day, as it occasionally does, and the cable guy came to fix it, and he started with the dusty clump of cables behind the couch, and he followed it to the front of my building and into the basement and out to the back yard, and there was this big jumble of cables against the wall. | Kot se občasno zgodi, sem nekega dne izgubil internetno povezavo, prišel jo je popraviti serviser, ki je začel s prašno kepo kablov za kavčem, sledil ji je pred hišo, v klet in ven na dvorišče, kjer je našel zmešnjavo kablov ob steni. |
And then he saw a squirrel running along the wire, and he said, "There's your problem. A squirrel is chewing on your Internet." (Laughter) And this seemed astounding. | In potem je zagledal veverico, ki je tekla ob žici, in mi je dejal, tukaj je vaš problem. |
The Internet is a transcendent idea. | (Smeh) |
It's a set of protocols that has changed everything from shopping to dating to revolutions. | Internet je transcendentna zamisel. |
It was unequivocally not something a squirrel could chew on. | Zatrdno ni nekaj, kar bi bila veverica zmožna prežvečiti. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
But that in fact seemed to be the case. | Toda kljub temu je prišlo do tega. |
A squirrel had in fact chewed on my Internet. | Veverica je nedvomno prežvečila moj internet. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
And then I got this image in my head of what would happen if you yanked the wire from the wall and if you started to follow it. | Potem pa sem si začel predstavljati kaj bi se zgodilo, če bi potegnil žico iz stene in ji začel slediti. |
Where would it go? | Kam bi vodila? |
Was the Internet actually a place that you could visit? | Je internet kraj, ki ga lahko obiščeš? |
Could I go there? | Lahko pridem do njega? |
Who would I meet? | Koga bi srečal? |
You know, was there something actually out there? | Je tam sploh možno kaj najti? |
03:03 | In v vseh pogledih je bil odgovor ne. |
And the answer, by all accounts, was no. | Internet je bil to, ta črna škatlica z rdečo lučko. |
This was the Internet, this black box with a red light on it, as represented in the sitcom "The IT Crowd." | Kot je bila prikazana v TV seriji "Računalničarji." |
Normally it lives on the top of Big Ben, because that's where you get the best reception, but they had negotiated that their colleague could borrow it for the afternoon to use in an office presentation. | Ponavadi se nahaja na vrhu Big Bena, ker je tam možno dobiti najboljši signal. |
The elders of the Internet were willing to part with it for a short while, and she looks at it and she says, "This is the Internet? The whole Internet? Is it heavy?" | Toda dogovorili so se, da si jo sodelavka lahko sposodi za popoldansko predavanje. |
They say, "Of course not, the Internet doesn't weigh anything." | Ona škatlico pogleda in reče, to je internet? |
03:38 | Celoten internet? |
And I was embarrassed. | Je težek? |
I was looking for this thing that only fools seem to look for. | Odgovorijo ji, seveda ne, internet je brez teže. |
The Internet was that amorphous blob, or it was a silly black box with a blinking red light on it. | Postalo me je sram. |
It wasn't a real world out there. | Internet je bila tista brezoblična packa, ali pa hecna črna škatla z utripajočo rdečo lučko. |
03:50 | Ni bil del resničnega sveta. |
But, in fact, it is. | Toda, v bistvu je. |
There is a real world of the Internet out there, and that's what I spent about two years visiting, these places of the Internet. | Resnični svet interneta zagotovo obstaja, svet, ki sem ga zadnji dve leti obiskoval, te kraje interneta. |
I was in large data centers that use as much power as the cities in which they sit, and I visited places like this, 60 Hudson Street in New York, which is one of the buildings in the world, one of a very short list of buildings, about a dozen buildings, where more networks of the Internet connect to each other than anywhere else. | Obiskal sem velike podatkovne centre, ki porabijo enako količino energije kot mesta v katerih se nahajajo. |
And that connection is an unequivocally physical process. | Ta povezava je zatrdno fizična. |
It's about the router of one network, a Facebook or a Google or a B.T. or a Comcast or a Time Warner, whatever it is, connecting with usually a yellow fiber optic cable up into the ceiling and down into the router of another network, and that's unequivocally physical, and it's surprisingly intimate. | Gre za usmerjevalnik enega omrežja, naj bo to Facebook ali Google, B.T., Comcast ali Time Warner, karkoli, ki je ponavadi povezan z rumenim kablom iz optičnih vlaken skozi strop v nek drug usmerjevalnik nekega drugega omrežja. |
A building like 60 Hudson, and a dozen or so others, has 10 times more networks connecting within it than the next tier of buildings. | Stavba na Hudsonovi cesti in približno 12 ostalih stavb je povezana z desetkrat več omrežji kot stavbe druge stopnje. |
There's a very short list of these places. | Seznam takšnih krajev je zelo kratek. |
And 60 Hudson in particular is interesting because it's home to about a half a dozen very important networks, which are the networks which serve the undersea cables that travel underneath the ocean that connect Europe and America and connect all of us. | Stavba na Hudsonovi cesti je še posebej zanimiva, saj se tam nahaja približno šest zelo pomembnih omrežij. |
And it's those cables in particular that I want to focus on. | Ti kabli povezujejo Evropo z Ameriko in povezujejo nas. |
04:56 | To so kabli, na katere se želim predvsem osredotočiti. |
If the Internet is a global phenomenon, if we live in a global village, it's because there are cables underneath the ocean, cables like this. | Če je internet globalen fenomen, če živimo v globalni vasi, je to zaradi kablov pod oceanom. |
And in this dimension, they are incredibly small. | V tej dimenziji so neverjetno majhni. |
You can you hold them in your hand. | So kot vrtna cev. |
They're like a garden hose. | Raztezajo se preko oceana. |
But in the other dimension they are incredibly expansive, as expansive as you can imagine. | Dolgi so pet, osem ali deset tisoč kilometrov. |
They stretch across the ocean. | Svetloba vstopi na enem koncu oceana in pride ven na drugem. |
They're three or five or eight thousand miles in length, and if the material science and the computational technology is incredibly complicated, the basic physical process is shockingly simple. | Ponavadi pride iz stavbe, ki se imenuje sprejemno-oddajna postaja in se pogosto skriva v manjši obmorski naselbini. |
Light goes in on one end of the ocean and comes out on the other, and it usually comes from a building called a landing station that's often tucked away inconspicuously in a little seaside neighborhood, and there are amplifiers that sit on the ocean floor that look kind of like bluefin tuna, and every 50 miles they amplify the signal, and since the rate of transmission is incredibly fast, the basic unit is a 10-gigabit-per-second wavelength of light, maybe a thousand times your own connection, or capable of carrying 10,000 video streams, but not only that, but you'll put not just one wavelength of light through one of the fibers, but you'll put maybe 50 or 60 or 70 different wavelengths or colors of light through a single fiber, and then you'll have maybe eight fibers in a cable, four going in each direction. | Ker je hitrost prenosa podatkov neverjetno hitra, je osnovna enota prenosa valovne dolžine svetlobe 10 gigabitov na sekundo, kar je morda tisočkrat več kot vaša domača povezava, in je zmožna prenosa 10.000 video posnetkov. |
And they're tiny. | V enem kablu bo na primer osem vlaken, po štiri bodo usmerjene v vsako smer. |
They're the thickness of a hair. | In ta vlakna so zelo tanka, imajo debelino lasu. |
06:16 | In potem se povežejo nekje s kontinentom. |
And then they connect to the continent somewhere. | Povežejo se v takšen jašek. |
They connect in a manhole like this. | Dobesedno. |
Literally, this is where the 5,000-mile cable plugs in. | To je dejanska lokacija, kjer je priključen 8.000 kilometrski kabel. |
This is in Halifax, a cable that stretches from Halifax to Ireland. | To je posnetek iz Halifaxa, kabla, ki povezuje Halifax ter Irsko. |
And the landscape is changing. | Arhitektura se ves čas spreminja. |
Three years ago, when I started thinking about this, there was one cable down the Western coast of Africa, represented in this map by Steve Song as that thin black line. | Pred tremi leti, ko sem se prvič osredotočil na to tematiko, je bil na zahodni obali Afrike en kabel, kot je prikazan na zemljevidu Steva Songa s črno črto. |
Now there are six cables and more coming, three down each coast. | Zdaj je tam šest kablov in jih bo še več, po trije ob vsaki obali. |
Because once a country gets plugged in by one cable, they realize that it's not enough. | Ko se neka država priključi z enim kablom, se zave, da to ni dovolj. |
If they're going to build an industry around it, they need to know that their connection isn't tenuous but permanent, because if a cable breaks, you have to send a ship out into the water, throw a grappling hook over the side, pick it up, find the other end, and then fuse the two ends back together and then dump it over. | Če želi okrog tega razviti industrijo, se mora zavedati, da njihova povezava ni šibka, ampak je dolgotrajna. |
It's an intensely, intensely physical process. | To je zelo, zelo fizično naporen postopek. |
So this is my friend Simon Cooper, who until very recently worked for Tata Communications, the communications wing of Tata, the big Indian industrial conglomerate. | Torej, to je moj prijatelj, Simon Cooper, ki je do nedavnega delal za Tata Communications, ki je komunikacijski oddelek podjetja Tata, velikega Indijskega industrijskega konglomerata. |
And I've never met him. | Nisva se še nikoli srečala. |
We've only communicated via this telepresence system, which always makes me think of him as the man inside the Internet. | Pogovarjala sva se le skozi teleprisotnostni sistem. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
And he is English. | Je Anglež. |
The undersea cable industry is dominated by Englishmen, and they all seem to be 42. | Znotraj industrije podmorskih kablov prevladujejo Angleži. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
Because they all started at the same time with the boom about 20 years ago. | Ker so vsi z delom začeli ob istem času, ko je trg doživel razcvet pred 20 leti. |
And Tata had gotten its start as a communications business when they bought two cables, one across the Atlantic and one across the Pacific, and proceeded to add pieces onto them, until they had built a belt around the world, which means they will send your bits to the East or the West. | Podjetje Tata je zagnalo komunikacijsko poslovanje, z nakupom dveh kablov. |
They have -- this is literally a beam of light around the world, and if a cable breaks in the Pacific, it'll send it around the other direction. | Nadaljevali so z dodajanjem delov, dokler niso zgradili pasu okrog sveta. |
And then having done that, they started to look for places to wire next. | Dobesedno imajo ta svetlobni žarek, ki obkroža ves svet. |
They looked for the unwired places, and that's meant North and South, primarily these cables to Africa. | Ko so s tem zaključili, je podjetje začelo iskati nove kraje do katerih se lahko poveže. |
But what amazes me is Simon's incredible geographic imagination. | Zato so se osredotočili na sever in jug. |
He thinks about the world with this incredible expansiveness. | Najbolj pa me je presenetila Simonova geografska domišljija. |
08:17 | On vidi svet kot nekakšno neverjetno razsežnost. |
And I was particularly interested because I wanted to see one of these cables being built. | Predvsem mi je bilo to zanimivo, ker sem želel osebno videti izgradnjo takšnega kabla. |
See, you know, all the time online we experience these fleeting moments of connection, these sort of brief adjacencies, a tweet or a Facebook post or an email, and it seemed like there was a physical corollary to that. | To kratkočasno zbližanost. |
It seemed like there was a moment when the continent was being plugged in, and I wanted to see that. | In pričakoval sem neko fizično povezanost. |
And Simon was working on a new cable, WACS, the West Africa Cable System, that stretched from Lisbon down the west coast of Africa, to Cote d'Ivoire, to Ghana, to Nigeria, to Cameroon. | In Simon je delal na novem kablu, WACS, Zahodnoafriški Kabelski Sistem, ki se je raztezal od Lizbone do zahodne obale Afrike, do Slonokoščene obale, Gane, Nigerije, Kameruna. |
And he said there was coming soon, depending on the weather, but he'd let me know when, and so with about four days notice, he said to go to this beach south of Lisbon, and a little after 9, this guy will walk out of the water. | Tako mi je približno štiri dni vnaprej povedal, da naj grem na obalo na jugu Lizbone. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
And he'll be carrying a green nylon line, a lightweight line, called a messenger line, and that was the first link between sea and land, this link that would then be leveraged into this 9,000-mile path of light. | In bo imel v roki zeleno vrv iz najlona, lahko vrv, ki se imenuje kurirska vrv. |
Then a bulldozer began to pull the cable in from this specialized cable landing ship, and it was floated on these buoys until it was in the right place. | Potem je buldožer začel vleči kabel s te posebne desantne ladje za kable, ki so ga potem zvlekli na te boje, dokler ni bil pravilno nameščen. |
Then you can see the English engineers looking on. | Vidite lahko tudi angleške inženirje kako delo opazujejo. |
And then, once it was in the right place, he got back in the water holding a big knife, and he cut each buoy off, and the buoy popped up into the air, and the cable dropped to the sea floor, and he did that all the way out to the ship, and when he got there, they gave him a glass of juice and a cookie, and then he jumped back in, and he swam back to shore, and then he lit a cigarette. | Ko je bil kabel nameščen, se je moški vrnil v vodo z velikim nožem in je boje odrezal, ki so se dvignile na površje. |
(Laughter) | S tem je nadaljeval, dokler ni prispel do ladje. |
09:50 | In ko je prispel do nje, so ga postregli s kozarcem soka in piškotom. |
And then once that cable was on shore, they began to prepare to connect it to the other side, for the cable that had been brought down from the landing station. | (Smeh) |
And first they got it with a hacksaw, and then they start sort of shaving away at this plastic interior with a -- sort of working like chefs, and then finally they're working like jewelers to get these hair-thin fibers to line up with the cable that had come down, and with this hole-punch machine they fuse it together. | Začeli so ga obdelovati z žago, nato so nastrgali plastično notranjost z ... nekakšno spretnostjo kuharjev. |
And when you see these guys going at this cable with a hacksaw, you stop thinking about the Internet as a cloud. | Ko opazuješ, kako se ti možje kabla lotijo z žago, interneta ne vidiš več, kot oblak. |
It starts to seem like an incredibly physical thing. | Začne ti delovati kot nekaj izredno fizičnega. |
And what surprised me as well was that as much as this is based on the most sophisticated technology, as much as this is an incredibly new thing, the physical process itself has been around for a long time, and the culture is the same. | Presenetilo me je še nekaj. |
You see the local laborers. | Tudi kultura je enaka. |
You see the English engineer giving directions in the background. | Vidiš domačine pri delu. |
And more importantly, the places are the same. | Najbolj pomembno pa je, da so kraji ostali enaki. |
These cables still connect these classic port cities, places like Lisbon, Mombasa, Mumbai, Singapore, New York. | Ti kabli se še vedno povezujejo do ustaljenih obmorskih mest. |
10:50 | Kot so Lizbona, Mombasa, Mumbaj, Singapur, New York. |
And then the process on shore takes around three or four days, and then, when it's done, they put the manhole cover back on top, and they push the sand over that, and we all forget about it. | Za postopek na obali je potrebnih tri do štiri dni. |
And it seems to me that we talk a lot about the cloud, but every time we put something on the cloud, we give up some responsibility for it. | In zdi se mi, da veliko govorimo o oblaku, toda vsakič, ko na oblak nekaj odložimo, se obenem tudi deloma odpovemo odgovornosti do te stvari. |
We are less connected to it. | Nismo več z njo tako povezani. |
We let other people worry about it. | Pustimo, da se z njo ukvarja nekdo drug. |
And that doesn't seem right. | In to se mi ne zdi prav. |
There's a great Neal Stephenson line where he says that wired people should know something about wires. | Obstaja odlična izjava Neala Stephensona, ki je dejal, da morajo ljudje, ki so povezani prek žic, o žicah tudi nekaj vedeti. |
And we should know, I think, we should know where our Internet comes from, and we should know what it is that physically, physically connects us all. | In morali bi vedeti, mislim, da moramo vedeti, od kod prihaja naša internetna povezava. |
Thank you. | In moramo se zavedati, kaj nas vse fizično, fizično povezuje. |
(Applause) (Applause) Thanks. | Hvala. |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
Sample Translation Art/Literary
Art/Literary Sample Translation
Source (English) | Target (Slovenian) |
00:03 | 00:03 |
I'm here to share my photography. | Z vami bi rad delil svoje fotografije. |
Or is it photography? | Je to sploh fotografija? |
Because, of course, this is a photograph that you can't take with your camera. | Navsezadnje je to fotografski posnetek, ki ga je nemogoče posneti s fotoaparatom. |
00:14 | 00:14 |
Yet, my interest in photography started as I got my first digital camera at the age of 15. | Moje zanimanje za fotografijo se je vzbudilo pri petnajstih letih, ko sem v roke prijel svoj prvi digitalni fotoaparat. |
It mixed with my earlier passion for drawing, but it was a bit different, because using the camera, the process was in the planning instead. | Združilo se je z mojo strastjo do risanja, ampak je bilo nekoliko drugače, ker se je pri uporabi fotoaparata proces skrival v načrtovanju. |
And when you take a photograph with a camera, the process ends when you press the trigger. | Ko s fotoaparatom zajameš posnetek, se proces konča takoj ko pritisneš na sprožilec. |
So to me it felt like photography was more about being at the right place and the right time. | Zato sem vedno imel občutek, da fotografija zahteva, da se nahajaš na pravem mestu ob pravem času. |
I felt like anyone could do that. | Zdelo se mi je, da to zmore vsak. |
00:45 | 00:45 |
So I wanted to create something different, something where the process starts when you press the trigger. | Zato sem želel ustvariti nekaj drugačnega, nekaj, kjer se proces s pritiskom na sprožilec šele začne. |
Photos like this: construction going on along a busy road. | Takšne fotografije: gradbišče ob prometni cesti, ki pa ima nepričakovan preobrat. |
But it has an unexpected twist. | Kljub temu ohrani neko stopnjo realističnosti. |
And despite that, it retains a level of realism. | Ali pa takšne fotografije-- tako temne kot barvite. |
Or photos like these -- both dark and colorful, but all with a common goal of retaining the level of realism. | Toda vse imajo skupni cilj in obdržijo neko stopnjo realizma. |
When I say realism, I mean photo-realism. | Ko rečem realizem, imam v mislih fotorealizem. |
Because, of course, it's not something you can capture really, but I always want it to look like it could have been captured somehow as a photograph. | Ker to seveda ni nekaj kar lahko zares posnameš, toda vedno si želim, da bi fotografija izgledala pristna. |
Photos where you will need a brief moment to think to figure out the trick. | Tako si moraš vzeti trenutek časa, da lahko razbereš iluzijo. |
So it's more about capturing an idea than about capturing a moment really. | Gre veliko bolj za zajemanje idej kot zajemanje trenutkov. |
01:39 | 01:39 |
But what's the trick that makes it look realistic? | Toda s čim lahko dosežemo realistični učinek? |
Is it something about the details or the colors? | Mogoče s podrobnostimi ali barvami? |
Is it something about the light? | Ima svetloba kaj pri tem? |
What creates the illusion? | Kaj ustvari to iluzijo? |
Sometimes the perspective is the illusion. | Včasih je iluzija perspektiva. |
But in the end, it comes down to how we interpret the world and how it can be realized on a two-dimensional surface. | Toda na koncu je vse stvar našega dojemanja sveta in kako ga lahko poustvarimo na dvodimenzionalni površini. |
It's not really what is realistic, it's what we think looks realistic really. | Ni toliko pomembno, kaj je realistično, kot kaj mislimo, da je realistično. |
02:09 | 02:09 |
So I think the basics are quite simple. | Zdi se mi, da so osnove precej enostavne. |
I just see it as a puzzle of reality where you can take different pieces of reality and put it together to create alternate reality. | Svet vidim kot sestavljanko resničnosti, kjer lahko vzamem različne dele resničnosti in jih sestavim v alternativno resničnost. |
And let me show you a simple example. | Naj vam pokažem enostaven primer. |
Here we have three perfectly imaginable physical objects, something we all can relate to living in a three-dimensional world. | Tukaj imamo tri povsem predstavljive fizične predmete, ki jih lahko povežemo s tridimenzionalnim svetom. |
But combined in a certain way, they can create something that still looks three-dimensional, like it could exist. | Če pa jih združimo na določen način, se lahko združijo v nekaj, kar še vedno izgleda tridimenzionalno, kot bi lahko obstajalo. |
But at the same time, we know it can't. | Toda obenem vemo, da ne more. |
So we trick our brains, because our brain simply doesn't accept the fact that it doesn't really make sense. | Zato pretentamo svoje možgane, ker enostavno ne morejo sprejeti dejstva, da to ni smiselno. |
And I see the same process with combining photographs. | Jaz vidim enak proces pri združevanju fotografij. |
It's just really about combining different realities. | Gre le za združevanje različnih resničnosti. |
03:00 | 03:00 |
So the things that make a photograph look realistic, I think it's the things that we don't even think about, the things all around us in our daily lives. | Stvari, zaradi katerih izgleda fotografija realistična, so po mojem mnenju tiste, o katerih sploh ne razmišljamo. |
But when combining photographs, this is really important to consider, because otherwise it just looks wrong somehow. | Ampak ko združujemo fotografije, moramo o tem dobro premisliti, ker bo drugače vse skupaj izgledalo narobe. |
So I would like to say that there are three simple rules to follow to achieve a realistic result. | Zato bi rad izpostavil tri enostavna pravila, ki se mi zdijo pomembna, da lahko dosežemo realistični učinek. |
As you can see, these images aren't really special. | Kot lahko vidite, ta posnetka nista nič posebnega. |
But combined, they can create something like this. | Ampak ko ju združimo, lahko ustvarimo nekaj takšnega. |
03:35 | 03:35 |
So the first rule is that photos combined should have the same perspective. | Prvo pravilo je torej, da morajo fotografije imeti enako perspektivo. |
Secondly, photos combined should have the same type of light. | Drugič, fotografije, ki jih združujemo, morajo biti enako osvetljene. |
And these two images both fulfill these two requirements -- shot at the same height and in the same type of light. | Oba prikazana posnetka izpolnjujeta ta dva pogoja -- posneta sta bila na enaki višini in ob enaki svetlobi. |
The third one is about making it impossible to distinguish where the different images begin and end by making it seamless. | Tretje pravilo pa zahteva, da morate odstraniti robove, po katerih se da razbrati kje se posnetki začnejo in kje končajo. |
Make it impossible to say how the image actually was composed. | Ne sme biti očitno kako je bila slika sestavljena. |
So by matching color, contrast and brightness in the borders between the different images, adding photographic defects like depth of field, desaturated colors and noise, we erase the borders between the different images and make it look like one single image, despite the fact that one image can contain hundreds of layers basically. | Torej usklajevanje barv, kontrasta in svetlobe ob robovih posameznih posnetkov, dodajanje fotografskih učinkov kot globinsko ostrino, razsičenje barv in šum, vse to pripomore k brisanju meja med različnimi posnetki in jih navidezno združi v eno sliko. |
04:28 | 04:28 |
So here's another example. | Tukaj je še en primer. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
One might think that this is just an image of a landscape and the lower part is what's manipulated. | Marsikdo bi si mislil, da je to samo posnetek pokrajine z obdelanim spodnjim delom. |
But this image is actually entirely composed of photographs from different locations. | Toda slika je v bistvu v celoti sestavljena iz fotografij z različnih lokacij. |
I personally think that it's easier to actually create a place than to find a place, because then you don't need to compromise with the ideas in your head. | Osebno se mi zdi, da je nek kraj lažje ustvariti kot pa ga najti, ker potem pri idejah ni potrebno ubirati srednje poti. |
But it does require a lot of planning. | Je pa potrebno veliko načrtovanja. |
And getting this idea during winter, I knew that I had several months to plan it, to find the different locations for the pieces of the puzzle basically. | Ker se mi je ta ideja porodila pozimi, sem imel več mesecev za načrtovanje in iskanje različnih lokacij. |
So for example, the fish was captured on a fishing trip. | Zato sem na primer to ribo fotografiral na ribiškem izletu. |
The shores are from a different location. | Nabrežja so z neke druge lokacije. |
The underwater part was captured in a stone pit. | Podvodni del sem posnel na kamnolomu. |
And yeah, I even turned the house on top of the island red to make it look more Swedish. | Hišo na otoku sem celo pobarval rdeče, da bi bila bolj švedska. |
05:22 | 05:22 |
So to achieve a realistic result, I think it comes down to planning. | Pri doseganju realističnega učinka je na koncu vse odvisno od načrtovanja. |
It always starts with a sketch, an idea. | Vedno se začne s skico, z idejo. |
Then it's about combining the different photographs. | Potem je potrebno še samo združiti različne fotografije. |
And here every piece is very well planned. | Tukaj je vsak del dobro načrtovan. |
And if you do a good job capturing the photos, the result can be quite beautiful and also quite realistic. | Če se dobro odrežete že pri fotografiranju, bo končni izdelek zelo lep in tudi precej realističen. |
So all the tools are out there, and the only thing that limits us is our imagination. | Vsa orodja so nam na voljo, omejuje nas le naša domišljija. |
05:57 | 05:57 |
Thank you. | Hvala. |
05:59 | 05:59 |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
Sample Translation Zoology
Zoology Sample Translation
Source (English) | Target (Slovenian) |
00:04 | 00:03 |
I was born in Den Bosch, where the painter Hieronymus Bosch named himself after. | Rodil sem se v mestu Den Bosch po katerem se je poimenoval slikar Hieronymus Bosch. |
And I've always been very fond of this painter who lived and worked in the 15th century. | Zato mi je bil ta slikar, ki je živel in deloval v 15. |
And what is interesting about him in relation to morality is that he lived at a time where religion's influence was waning, and he was sort of wondering, I think, what would happen with society if there was no religion or if there was less religion. | Pri njem mi je v povezavi z moralnostjo še posebej zanimivo, da je živel v času pojemanja vpliva vere in se je najbrž spraševal, kaj bi se z družbo zgodilo, če religije ne bi bilo ali če bi je bilo manj. |
And so he painted this famous painting, "The Garden of Earthly Delights," which some have interpreted as being humanity before the Fall, or being humanity without any Fall at all. | Zato je naslikal znameniti "Vrt zemeljskih naslad," v katerem so nekateri videli človeštvo pred Propadom ali človeštvo brez vsakršnega Propada. |
And so it makes you wonder, what would happen if we hadn't tasted the fruit of knowledge, so to speak, and what kind of morality would we have. | Zato se včasih zamisliš, kaj bi se zgodilo, če tako rekoč ne bi nikoli okusili sadeža znanja, in kakšno moralo bi potem imeli? |
00:44 | 00:43 |
Much later, as a student, I went to a very different garden, a zoological garden in Arnhem where we keep chimpanzees. | Mnogo kasneje sem kot študent obiskal zelo drugačen vrt. |
This is me at an early age with a baby chimpanzee. | Bil je živalski vrt v Arnhemu, kjer skrbimo za šimpanze. |
00:55 | Tukaj me lahko vidite v mladih letih skupaj z majhnim šimpanzom. |
00:58 | (Smeh) |
And I discovered there that the chimpanzees are very power-hungry and wrote a book about it. | Tam sem ugotovil, da so šimpanzi zelo oblastiželjni in sem o tem tudi napisal knjigo. |
And at that time the focus in a lot of animal research was on aggression and competition. | Takrat so se raziskave o živalih močno osredotočale na agresijo in tekmovalnost. |
I painted a whole picture of the animal kingdom and humanity included, was that deep down we are competitors, we are aggressive, we are all out for our own profit, basically. | Celotna slika, ki sem si jo narisal o živalskem kraljestvu, vključno s človeštvom, je prikazovala, da smo globoko v sebi tekmeci. |
This is the launch of my book. | To je izdaja moje knjige. |
I'm not sure how well the chimpanzees read it, but they surely seemed interested in the book. | Nisem prepričan, kako je šimpanzom šlo pri branju, vendar izgleda, da jim je bila knjiga zelo zanimiva. |
(Laughter) | 01:27 |
01:28 | Med raziskovanjem moči, dominance in agresije in tako dalje, sem opazil, da se šimpanzi po prepirih pobotajo. |
And so what you see here is two males who have had a fight. | Tukaj lahko vidite dva samca po prepiru. |
They ended up in a tree, and one of them holds out a hand to the other. | Končala sta na drevesu in eden od njiju ima k drugemu iztegnjeno roko. |
And about a second after I took the picture, they came together in the fork of the tree and kissed and embraced each other. | Takoj zatem, ko sem naredil posnetek, sta se srečala pri razcepu drevesa, nakar sta se poljubila in objela. |
01:49 | 01:47 |
And this is very interesting because at the time, everything was about competition and aggression, so it wouldn't make any sense. | To je zelo zanimivo, ker se je takrat vse vrtelo okrog tekmovalnosti in agresije in kaj takšnega ni bilo preveč smiselno. |
The only thing that matters is that you win or you lose. | Pomembno je le ali zmagaš ali zgubiš. |
But why reconcile after a fight? | Toda zakaj bi se po prepiru zopet spoprijateljil? |
That doesn't make any sense. | To je popolnoma sprto z logiko. |
This is the way bonobos do it. | Tako to počnejo bonobi, ki vse dosežejo prek seksa. |
And so they also reconcile with sex. | Zato se tudi spoprijateljijo s seksom. |
But the principle is exactly the same. | Toda princip ostane enak. |
The principle is that you have a valuable relationship that is damaged by conflict, so you need to do something about it. | Po principu imamo pomembno razmerje, ki ga poškoduje konflikt, in moraš glede tega nekaj storiti. |
So my whole picture of the animal kingdom, and including humans also, started to change at that time. | Takrat se je začela moja celotna slika živalskega kraljestva in človeštva začela spreminjati. |
02:22 | 02:21 |
So we have this image in political science, economics, the humanities, the philosophy for that matter, that man is a wolf to man. | Tako imamo znotraj politologije, ekonomije, družboslovja in filozofije to idejo, da je človek človeku volk. |
And so deep down, our nature is actually nasty. | Zato je globoko v nas naša narava prav nizkotna. |
I think it's a very unfair image for the wolf. | Sem mnenja, da je to precej nepošteno do volka. |
The wolf is, after all, a very cooperative animal. | Volk je navsezadnje zelo sodelovalna žival. |
And that's why many of you have a dog at home, which has all these characteristics also. | Zato imate tudi mnogi doma psa, ki ima zelo podobne lastnosti. |
And it's really unfair to humanity, because humanity is actually much more cooperative and empathic than given credit for. | Je pa tudi zelo nepošteno do človeštva, ker je človeštvo veliko bolj sodelovalno in sočutno kot želimo priznati. |
So I started getting interested in those issues and studying that in other animals. | Zato sem se začel zanimati za te zadeve in sem jih začel raziskovati pri drugih živalih. |
02:56 | 02:55 |
So these are the pillars of morality. | To sta stebra morale. |
If you ask anyone, "What is morality based on?" these are the two factors that always come out. | Če bi nekoga vprašali: "Na čem temelji morala?", bi vedno na koncu prišli do teh dveh dejavnikov. |
One is reciprocity, and associated with it is a sense of justice and a sense of fairness. | Eden je vzajemnost, ki ga povezujemo z občutkom za pravico in občutkom za pravičnost. |
And the other one is empathy and compassion. | Drugi dejavnik pa je empatija in sočutje. |
And human morality is more than this, but if you would remove these two pillars, there would be not much remaining, I think. | Človeška moralnost je veliko več kot to. |
So they're absolutely essential. | Zato sta bistvenega pomena. |
03:19 | 03:19 |
So let me give you a few examples here. | Naj vam dam par primerov. |
This is a very old video from the Yerkes Primate Center, where they trained chimpanzees to cooperate. | To je zelo star posnetek raziskovalnega centra Yerkes Primate Center, kjer učijo šimpanze sodelovanja. |
So this is already about a hundred years ago that we were doing experiments on cooperation. | Torej smo že pred skoraj sto leti izvajali poskuse o sodelovanju. |
What you have here is two young chimpanzees who have a box, and the box is too heavy for one chimp to pull in. | Tukaj imamo dva mlada šimpanza in škatlo, ki je pretežka, da bi jo lahko k sebi potegnil en sam šimpanz. |
And of course, there's food on the box. | Seveda je na škatli hrana, drugače se ne bi tako zelo trudila. |
And so they're bringing in the box. | In tako vlečeta škatlo k sebi. |
And you can see that they're synchronized. | Kot lahko vidite, sta sinhronizirana. |
You can see that they work together, they pull at the same moment. | Vidite lahko tudi, da sodelujeta in vlečeta istočasno. |
It's already a big advance over many other animals who wouldn't be able to do that. | Že to je velik nepredek pred drugimi živalskimi vrstami, ki tega niso zmožne. |
Now you're going to get a more interesting picture, because now one of the two chimps has been fed. | Zdaj pa boste videli nekaj še bolj zanimivega, ker je eden od šimpanzov že bil nahranjen. |
04:05 | Enemu od njiju zato naloga ni več tako pomembna. |
04:12 | (Smeh) (Smeh) (Smeh) Poglejte, kaj se zgodi na koncu. |
04:23 | (Smeh) |
04:26 | Pojé enostavno vse. |
04:44 | 04:57 |
04:56 | (Smeh) |
04:57 | 05:00 |
05:00 | Ta prizor lahko razdelimo na dva dela. |
One is that the chimp on the right has a full understanding he needs the partner -- so a full understanding of the need for cooperation. | Prvi je ta, da se šimpanz na desni popolnoma zaveda, da potrebuje partnerja -- torej zavedanje potrebe po sodelovanju. |
The second one is that the partner is willing to work even though he's not interested in the food. | Drugi del pa je, da je partner pripravljen pomagati, čeprav ga hrana ne zanima. |
Why would that be? | Zakaj je to tako? |
Well, that probably has to do with reciprocity. | Najverjetneje gre za vzajemnost. |
There's actually a lot of evidence in primates and other animals that they return favors. | Imamo že veliko dokazov, da si primati in ostale živali vračajo usluge. |
He will get a return favor at some point in the future. | Torej bo njemu usluga nekoč v prihodnosti tudi povrnjena. |
And so that's how this all operates. | In tako vse to deluje. |
05:27 | 05:26 |
We do the same task with elephants. | Enako nalogo smo dali slonom. |
Now, it's very dangerous to work with elephants. | Delo s sloni je lahko zelo nevarno. |
Another problem with elephants is that you cannot make an apparatus that is too heavy for a single elephant. | Drug problem pri slonih pa je, da ni možno narediti naprave, ki bi bila za enega slona pretežka. |
Now you can probably make it, but it's going to be a pretty clumsy apparatus, I think. | No, najbrž jo je možno narediti, ampak se mi zdi, da naprava ne bi bila zelo stabilna. |
And so what we did in that case -- we do these studies in Thailand for Josh Plotnik -- is we have an apparatus around which there is a rope, a single rope. | Zato smo v tem primeru -- te študije opravljamo na Tajskem z Joshem Plotnikom -- sestavili smo napravo, okrog katere je navita ena sama vrv. |
And if you pull on this side of the rope, the rope disappears on the other side. | Če vrv potegneš na enem koncu, bo konec na drugi strani izginil. |
So two elephants need to pick it up at exactly the same time, and pull. | Zato jo morata slona zagrabiti ob istem času in jo potegniti k sebi skupaj. |
Otherwise nothing is going to happen and the rope disappears. | Drugače se ne bi zgodilo nič in bi vrv izginila. |
06:00 | 06:00 |
The first tape you're going to see is two elephants who are released together arrive at the apparatus. | Na prvem posnetku boste videli dva slona, ki smo ju spustili istočasno in se približata napravi. |
The apparatus is on the left, with food on it. | Naprava je na levi strani in na njej je hrana. |
And so they come together, they arrive together, they pick it up together, and they pull together. | Tako odideta skupaj, skupaj prispeta, skupaj vrv dvigneta in jo skupaj potegneta. |
So it's actually fairly simple for them. | To je zanju v bistvu precej enostavno. |
There they are. | Tukaj ju imamo. |
So that's how they bring it in. | In tako jo potegneta k sebi. |
But now we're going to make it more difficult. | Zdaj pa bomo dvignili zahtevnost. |
Because the purpose of this experiment is to see how well they understand cooperation. | Celoten namen poskusa je odkriti, do kolikšne mere sta sposobna razumevati sodelovanje. |
Do they understand that as well as the chimps, for example? | Torej, ali sta na primer zmožna istega razumevanja kot šimpanzi? |
06:39 | 06:38 |
What we do in the next step is we release one elephant before the other and that elephant needs to be smart enough to stay there and wait and not pull at the rope -- because if he pulls at the rope, it disappears and the whole test is over. | Zato smo v naslednjem koraku spustili prvo enega in potem drugega slona. |
Now this elephant does something illegal that we did not teach it. | Toda ta slon krši pravila igre, nekaj kar ga nismo naučili. |
But it shows the understanding he has, because he puts his big foot on the rope, stands on the rope and waits there for the other, and then the other is going to do all the work for him. | Vendar pokaže, da se je nečesa le naučil, saj s svojo veliko nogo stopi na vrv, na njej stoji in počaka na drugega slona. |
So it's what we call freeloading. | Tako bo drugi slon opravil vso delo namesto njega. |
07:06 | Tako rekoč živi na njegov račun. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
07:09 | Vendar vseeno pokaže, kako inteligentni so sloni. |
But it shows the intelligence that the elephants have. | Zmožni so razviti te dodatne spretnosti, ki jih načeloma nismo dovolili. |
They developed several of these alternative techniques that we did not approve of, necessarily. | Zdaj že prihaja drugi slon in bo sedaj napravo potegnil k sebi. |
07:16 | Zdaj pa poglejte še drugega. |
(Laughter) | Seveda ne pozabi na hrano. |
07:18 | (Smeh) |
So the other elephant is now coming ... and is going to pull it in. | To je bilo sodelovanje, vzajemnostni del. |
07:45 | 07:50 |
(Laughter) | Zdaj pa še empatija. |
This was the cooperation and reciprocity part. | Empatija je trenutno v raziskavah glavna tema in ima na nek način dve lastnosti. |
07:51 | Ena je razumevanje. |
Now something on empathy. | To je zgolj osnovna definicija: sposobnost razumevanja in deljenja čustev z drugimi. |
Empathy is my main topic at the moment, of research. | Imamo pa še čustveni del. |
And empathy has two qualities: One is the understanding part of it. | Empatija tako deluje na dveh kanalih. |
This is just a regular definition: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. | 08:05 |
And the emotional part. | Eden je kanal telesa. |
Empathy has basically two channels: One is the body channel, If you talk with a sad person, you're going to adopt a sad expression and a sad posture, and before you know it, you feel sad. | Če se pogovarjamo z žalostno osebo, bomo prevzeli žalosten izraz in žalostno držo in se bomo slej kot prej tudi počutili žalostno. |
And that's sort of the body channel of emotional empathy, which many animals have. | To je nekakšen telesni kanal čustvene empatije, ki jo imajo mnoge živali. |
Your average dog has that also. | Najdemo jo tudi pri psih. |
That's why people keep mammals in the home and not turtles or snakes or something like that, who don't have that kind of empathy. | Zato imajo ljudje doma rajši sesalce namesto želv, kač ali česa podobnega, ki niso zmožni tovrstne empatije. |
And then there's a cognitive channel, which is more that you can take the perspective of somebody else. | Drugi kanal pa je kognitivni, zaradi katerega smo zmožni prevzeti perspektivo nekoga drugega. |
And that's more limited. | To je zelo omejeno. |
Very few animals, I think elephants and apes, can do that kind of thing. | Zelo malo živali -- mislim, da so tega sposobni sloni in človeku podobne opice -- toda zelo malo živali je tega sposobnih. |
08:40 | 08:38 |
So synchronization, which is part of that whole empathy mechanism, is a very old one in the animal kingdom. | Torej sinhronizacija, ki je del celotnega mehanizma empatije, je v živalskem kraljsetvu prisotna že zelo dolgo. |
In humans, of course, we can study that with yawn contagion. | Pri ljudeh lahko to proučujemo z nalezovanjem zehanja. |
Humans yawn when others yawn. | Človek zazeha, ko zazehajo drugi, kar je povezano z empatijo. |
It activates the same areas in the brain. | Signali prihajajo iz istih delov možganov. |
Also, we know that people who have a lot of yawn contagion are highly empathic. | Vemo tudi, da so ljudje, ki se zelo hitro nalezejo zehanja, zelo empatični. |
People who have problems with empathy, such as autistic children, they don't have yawn contagion. | Ljudje, ki imajo z empatijo težave, na primer avtistični otroci, se zehanja ne nalezejo. |
So it is connected. | Vse je torej povezano. |
09:04 | 09:04 |
And we study that in our chimpanzees by presenting them with an animated head. | Pri naših šimpanzih to proučujemo tako, da jim predvajamo animirano glavo. |
So that's what you see on the upper-left, an animated head that yawns. | Torej v zgornjem levem kotu lahko vidite animirano glavo, ki zeha. |
And there's a chimpanzee watching, an actual real chimpanzee watching a computer screen on which we play these animations. | Animacijo pa gleda šimpanz, pravi živi šimpanz si ogleduje animacije na računalniškem zaslonu. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
09:26 | Nalezljivost zehanja, ki jo najbrž vsi poznate -- mogoče boste tudi vi začeli kmalu zehati -- je nekaj, kar si delimo z ostalimi živalmi. |
And that's related to that whole body channel of synchronization that underlies empathy, and that is universal in the mammals, basically. | Povezana je tudi s celotnim telesnim kanalom sinhronizacije, ki tvori osnovo empatije in je praktično prisoten pri vseh sesalcih. |
09:43 | 09:43 |
We also study more complex expressions -- This is consolation. This is a male chimpanzee who has lost a fight and he's screaming, and a juvenile comes over and puts an arm around him and calms him down. That's consolation. It's very similar to human consolation. And consolation behavior -- | Proučujemo tudi nekoliko bolj zapletene izraze. |
09:59 | To je tolažba. |
(Laughter) | Ta samec je izgubil v boju in kriči. |
10:00 | Do njega stopi mlajši šimpanz in ovije okrog njega roko, da bi ga pomiril. |
it's empathy driven. | To je tolažba in je zelo podobna človeški tolažbi. |
Actually, the way to study empathy in human children is to instruct a family member to act distressed, and then to see what young children do. | Tolažba je uravnavana s strani empatije. |
And so it is related to empathy, and that's the kind of expressions we look at. | Zato je povezana z empatijo in takšne odzive proučujemo. |
10:13 | 10:13 |
We also recently published an experiment you may have heard about. | Pred kratkim smo objavili poskus, za katerega ste morda že slišali. |
It's on altruism and chimpanzees, where the question is: Do chimpanzees care about the welfare of somebody else? | Bil je poskus o nesebičnosti in šimpanzih pri kateremu smo si postavili vprašanje, ali je šimpanzom mar za dobrobit drugih? |
And for decades it had been assumed that only humans can do that, that only humans worry about the welfare of somebody else. | Več desetletij smo predvidevali, da so tega zmožni samo ljudje, da bi se samo človek bal za dobrobit nekoga drugega. |
Now we did a very simple experiment. | Opravili smo zelo enostaven poskus. |
We do that on chimpanzees that live in Lawrenceville, in the field station of Yerkes. | Izvedli smo ga na šimpanzih v Lawrencevillu, na Yerkesovi terenski postaji. |
And so that's how they live. | Tako živijo. |
And we call them into a room and do experiments with them. | Pokličemo jih v sobo in z njimi opravljamo poskuse. |
In this case, we put two chimpanzees side-by-side, and one has a bucket full of tokens, and the tokens have different meanings. | Tukaj smo imeli dva šimpanza enega ob drugem. |
One kind of token feeds only the partner who chooses, the other one feeds both of them. | Prva vrsta žetonov nahrani samo sodelujočega, ki izbira, druga vrsta nahrani oba. |
10:53 | 10:52 |
So this is a study we did with Vicki Horner. | To je raziskava, ki smo jo opravili z Vicky Horner. |
And here, you have the two color tokens. | To so različno obarvani žetoni. |
So they have a whole bucket full of them. | Imata jih polno vedro. |
And they have to pick one of the two colors. | Izbrati morata eno od obeh barv. |
You will see how that goes. | Videli boste, kako to poteka. |
So if this chimp makes the selfish choice, which is the red token in this case, he needs to give it to us, we pick it up, we put it on a table where there's two food rewards, but in this case, only the one on the right gets food. | Ta šimpanz torej sprejme sebično odločitev, v tem primeru je to rdeč žeton, ki ga mora dati nam. |
The one on the left walks away because she knows already that this is not a good test for her. | Tista na levi odide, ker že ve, da ta poskus ni njej v prid. |
Then the next one is the pro-social token. | Naslednji bo prosocialen žeton. |
11:28 | 11:27 |
So the one who makes the choices -- that's the interesting part here -- for the one who makes the choices, it doesn't really matter. | Torej tisti, ki izbira -- in zdaj prihaja zanimiv del -- za tistega, ki izbira, je v bistvu vseeno. |
So she gives us now a pro-social token and both chimps get fed. | Zdaj nam da prosocialen žeton in zato oba šimpanza dobita hrano. |
So the one who makes the choices always gets a reward. | Tisti, ki izbira, je torej vedno nagrajen. |
So it doesn't matter whatsoever. | Zato je povsem vseeno. |
And she should actually be choosing blindly. | Lahko bi izbirala na slepo. |
But what we find is that they prefer the pro-social token. | Vendar smo odkrili, da raje izberejo prosocialne žetone. |
So this is the 50 percent line, that's the random expectation. | Črta na 50 odstotkih označuje pričakovane naključne izbire. |
And especially if the partner draws attention to itself, they choose more. | Če bo drugi sodelujoči nase pritegoval pozornost, bo izbir več. |
11:55 | 11:54 |
And if the partner puts pressure on them -- so if the partner starts spitting water and intimidating them -- then the choices go down. | Če pa sodelujoči pritiska na drugega -- če bo na primer pljuval vodo ali začel z ustrahovanjem -- v tem primeru izbire upadejo. |
(Laughter) | |
12:03 | Kot bi želel povedati: "Če ne boš priden, potem danes ne bom prosocialen." |
And this is what happens without a partner, when there's no partner sitting there. | To pa se zgodi, če je sam, če ni še enega udeleženca. |
So we found that the chimpanzees do care about the well-being of somebody else -- especially, these are other members of their own group. | Tako smo odkrili, da šimpanze skrbi za dobrobit nekoga drugega -- še posebej, če se gre za ostale člane njihove skupine. |
12:19 | 12:18 |
So the final experiment that I want to mention to you is our fairness study. | Zadnji poskus, ki sem ga želel omeniti, je naša raziskava poštenosti. |
And so this became a very famous study. | Ta raziskava je zelo slavna. |
And there are now many more, because after we did this about 10 years ago, it became very well-known. | Danes jih je veliko več, ker smo jo opravili pred približno desetimi leti in je pozneje postala zelo znana. |
And we did that originally with capuchin monkeys. | Prvotno smo ga izvajali na kapucinkah. |
And I'm going to show you the first experiment that we did. | Pokazal vam bom naš prvi poskus. |
It has now been done with dogs and with birds and with chimpanzees. | Do sedaj je že bil opravljen na psih, ptičih in šimpanzih. |
But with Sarah Brosnan, we started out with capuchin monkeys. | Toda z Sarah Brosnan smo začeli s kapucinkami. |
12:47 | 12:46 |
So what we did is we put two capuchin monkeys side-by-side. | To smo naredili tako, da smo dve kapucinki postavili eno ob drugo. |
Again, these animals, live in a group, they know each other. | Naj vas opomnim, da ti živali živita v skupini in se poznata. |
We take them out of the group, put them in a test chamber. | Vzeli smo ju iz skupine in ju postavili v poskusno sobo. |
And there's a very simple task that they need to do. | Opraviti morata zelo enostavno nalogo. |
And if you give both of them cucumber for the task, the two monkeys side-by-side, they're perfectly willing to do this 25 times in a row. | Če za to nalogo daš kumarico obema opicama, ki sta ena ob drugi, bosta nalogo z veseljem opravili 25-krat zaporedoma. |
So cucumber, even though it's only really water in my opinion, but cucumber is perfectly fine for them. | Torej kumarica, ki je po mojem mnenju samo voda, je za njiju povsem v redu. |
Now if you give the partner grapes -- the food preferences of my capuchin monkeys correspond exactly with the prices in the supermarket -- and so if you give them grapes -- it's a far better food -- then you create inequity between them. | Če pa ena opica dobi grozdno jagodo -- naklonjenost do hrane mojih kapucink ustrezajo cenam v trgovinah -- če ji torej damo grozdno jagodo -- mnogo boljšo hrano -- potem med njima ustvariš neenakost. |
So that's the experiment we did. | To je bil naš poskus. |
13:30 | 13:29 |
Recently, we videotaped it with new monkeys who'd never done the task, thinking that maybe they would have a stronger reaction, and that turned out to be right. | Nedolgo nazaj smo posneli opice, ki te naloge še niso opravljale, v upanju, da bo odziv nekoliko močnejši. |
The one on the left is the monkey who gets cucumber. | Bila je prava odločitev. |
The one on the right is the one who gets grapes. | Opica na levi bo dobila kumarico. |
The one who gets cucumber -- note that the first piece of cucumber is perfectly fine. | Tista na desni pa bo dobila grozdno jagodo. |
The first piece she eats. | Tista, ki dobi kumarico -- videli boste, da s prvim kosom kumarice ni povsem nič narobe. |
So she gives a rock to us. | Prvi kos bo pojedla. |
That's the task. | Bodite pozorni, kaj se zgodi, ko opazi, da druga dobi grozdno jagodo. |
The other one needs to give a rock to us. | Prvo nam da kamen. |
And that's what she does. | To je naloga. |
And she gets a grape ... and eats it. | Zato ji damo kos kumarice in jo pojé. |
The other one sees that. | Zdaj nam mora dati kamen še druga. |
She gives a rock to us now, gets, again, cucumber. | To tudi naredi. |
14:15 | Zato dobi jagodo in jo pojé. |
14:29 | Druga opica to vidi. |
(Laughter ends) | Da nam kamen in zopet dobi kumarico. |
14:31 | (Smeh) |
She tests a rock now against the wall. | Sedaj preveri kamen z udarcem ob zid. |
She needs to give it to us. | Mora nam ga dati. |
And she gets cucumber again. | In zopet dobi kumarico. |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
14:47 | V bistvu lahko tukaj vidimo protest na Wall Streetu. |
14:51 | 14:50 |
(Laughter) | (Smeh) |
14:53 | 14:53 |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
14:57 | 14:56 |
I still have two minutes left -- let me tell you a funny story about this. | Naj vam povem -- ostali sta mi še dve minutki in bi vam povedal anekdoto o raziskavi. |
This study became very famous and we got a lot of comments, especially anthropologists, economists, philosophers. | Ta raziskava je postala zelo slavna in smo prejeli veliko pripomb, še posebej s strani antropologov, ekonomistov, filozofov. |
They didn't like this at all. | Niti najmanj jim ni bil všeč. |
Because they had decided in their minds, I believe, that fairness is a very complex issue, and that animals cannot have it. | Zdi se mi, da so se preprosto odločili, da je pravičnost zelo zapleten problem, in je živali niso zmožne. |
And so one philosopher even wrote us that it was impossible that monkeys had a sense of fairness because fairness was invented during the French Revolution. | Tako nam je nek filozof napisal, da občutek za pravičnost pri opicah preprosto ni mogoč, ker so pravičnost izumili med francosko revolucijo. |
15:25 | (Smeh) |
(Laughter) | 15:27 |
15:28 | Nekdo drug nam je napisal celoten sestavek, da bi nam verjel, da je poskus povezan s pravičnostjo le, če bi opica, ki je dobila jagodo, jagodo zavrnila. |
Now the funny thing is that Sarah Brosnan, who's been doing this with chimpanzees, had a couple of combinations of chimpanzees where, indeed, the one who would get the grape would refuse the grape until the other guy also got a grape. | Smešno pa je to, da je Sarah Brosnan, ki je ta poskus izvajala na šimpanzih, naletela na par kombinacij šimpanzov, pri katerih tisti, ki naj bi jagodo dobil, je ni želel pojesti dokler je ni dobil tudi drugi. |
So we're getting very close to the human sense of fairness. | Torej smo že zelo blizu človeškemu dojemanju pravičnosti. |
And I think philosophers need to rethink their philosophy for a while. | Mislim, da bi filozofi morali malo razmisliti o svoji filozofiji. |
15:55 | 15:54 |
So let me summarize. | Naj povzamem. |
I believe there's an evolved morality. | Sem mnenja, da obstaja razvita moralnost. |
I think morality is much more than what I've been talking about, but it would be impossible without these ingredients that we find in other primates, which are empathy and consolation, pro-social tendencies and reciprocity and a sense of fairness. | Mislim, da se za moralnostjo skriva veliko več kot to, o čemer smo se pogovarjali. |
And so we work on these particular issues to see if we can create a morality from the bottom up, so to speak, without necessarily god and religion involved, and to see how we can get to an evolved morality. | S temi določenimi problemi se ukvarjamo, da lahko vidimo, če je moralnost tako rekoč možno ustvariti od začetka, brez potrebnega vmešavanja Boga in vere. |
16:22 | 16:21 |
And I thank you for your attention. | Hvala za vašo pozornost. |
16:24 | 16:24 |
(Applause) | (Aplavz) |
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