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576 English terms. Chromatography types, technologies, processes and equipment.

Price €10.00
Seller olgalawsonfilatova19761 Olga Lawson
Language Pair Russian to English
Fields engineering (chemistry)
Term Concepts 512
Seller available to work in this field Yes (View Profile)

Packaged for your productivity

I created this glossary while working on a big project about Agilent equipment. It is in line with relevant Russian state standards and was approved by the customer. Many terms are accompanied by notes and definitions. This terminology package includes the following files:

  • TBX
  • CSV (UTF-8, UTF-16LE BOM, and CafeTran)
  • XLSX


The buyer of this package created by Olga Lawson is entitled to use it for her/his own translation work. Redistribution (reselling, publicizing or any other form of multiplication) is expressly forbidden.