Language Pair

Japanese to German

Below you can find information on the top translators and fields of expertise for the Japanese to German language pair on TM-Town.

Top 10 Experts

Rank Translator Name Translation Units Term Concepts
1 msun Marina Sun

Let me help you be successful in German(y)

Country: Japan

434 16
2 nadjabalogh6496 Nadja Balogh

Fast, friendly, professional

Country: Germany

332 0
3 luckytanslation Josa Glück

Country: Germany

24 0
4 jennybro Jennifer Brosche

Passionate gamer, passionate translator

Country: Germany

7 0

Top 10 Fields of Expertise

Rank Field Translation Units
1 Technical Documentation 434
2 Patents 93
3 Religion 93
4 Tourism 84
5 Manuals 62
6 Literature 14
7 Anthropology 10
8 Science 10
9 Art 7
10 Biology 5

Fields of Expertise - Wheel Visualization

In the visualization below you can explore the various fields of expertise and relevant experts for the Japanese to German language pair. Hover your mouse over the visualization for more info, or click on an area to zoom.

* Please note that a document may be tagged with up to 3 fields of expertise; therefore, the total unique translation units on TM-Town is less than the total in the center purple circle.

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