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Sample Translation Art/Literary
Art/Literary Sample Translation
Source (English) | Target (Chinese) |
Substructure | 手与眼,究竟哪个才是人体最具有表现力的部分,值得商榷。 |
(Introduction) | 俗话说:眼睛是心灵的窗户。 |
It is arguable whether the eyes or the hands should be considered the more expressive parts of the body. | 如若是这样,那手便是整个屋中可以演变万物的角色。 |
They can be doors, walls, floor, rooms, furniture, inhabitants, events. | 手可以作门,作墙,作地,作房间,作家具,抑或是做屋里的人及事,诸如此类。 |
Their sheer variety and complexity of expression and movements have lent them a natural and obvious attraction for artists and social theorists throughout history. | 纵览历史,众多的艺术家及社会理论家都被手所具有的多样丰富的表现力及复杂万变的姿态所吸引。 |
They are capable of expressing languages for the deaf. | 手,同时也赋予了聋哑人表达语言的能力。 |
And one needs only look to the most ancient examples of art making to see the hands visualized. | 如果要把手形象化,那不妨去看看历史上那些最古老的艺术品。 |
At the caves of Lascaux, Altamira and Chauvet, Paleolithic painters used the hand-mark to tag their works, spitting pigment over the flattened palm against the cave wall, and silhouetting in eerie shadows their forever absent bodies. | 在拉斯科克斯,阿尔塔米拉及肖维洞穴里,旧石器时代的画家用手印去标记自己的作品。 |
Images of the hands abound, continually to this day. | 在墙上喷上颜料,然后伸开手掌去留下. |
They are signifiers of beauty, of labor, of humanity, of divinity. | 这种手印被当作签名,语言未出现之前的名字,是证明他们自己的一种方式。 |
The artist conceives of God and Man as equivalently endowed human bodies, and connects them through the fingertips of each figure. | 声明了“我曾经存在于此,并创造了这个。” |
Michelangelo trips an electric switch through their hands, charging them. | 2.从古至今,关于手的图像一直源源不断。 |
Compositionally, each figure is pointing, although God points actively towards Adam, who passively receives the magic life-pulse. | 它们意味着美,劳动,人道及神性。 |
It is the ultimate expression of Renaissance-era humanism, placing divinity and humanity in a visually and conceptually inextricable equality of being. | 无可厚非,米开朗基罗最具有代表性也是被模仿最多的作品就是西斯特教堂的穹顶壁画。 |
It is used to locate oneself in space, in three dimensions, and thus to indicate time. | 艺术家设想通过每个指头的指尖去联系人与上帝这两个被赋予相同身体 。 |
Here, there. | 壁画里描述的最具神话色彩的一刻便是上帝赐予亚当生命的那一刻,不是用嘴,更不是用语言,而是通过神圣火花即将触碰亚当指尖而赐予他生命。 |
Me, you. | 米开朗基罗似乎要通过他们的手接通电源,从而传递能量。 |
Creating these differentiations, and the early stages of naming associated with them, are the very origins of expressive language. | 画中,两个人物相互指着,但上帝是主动的直着亚当,而亚当却被动的接受着神奇的生命脉搏。 |
Often, pointing is done with both hands, in different directions. | 上帝用手去告诉亚当“我将会变成你,你也将会变成我,我们将会融为一体。”这就是文艺复兴时代人道主义的终极表现,上帝与人类在形象和概念上被处于相等的地位。 |
It is utilized as a substitute for language, as when traveling in foreign places, to be understood when no other expressive commonality exists. | 3.用手指着,从一个到另一个,是个通用的姿势。 |
Clearly, the hands vocalized for us long before we managed to give names to things. | 一般是被用来作为确认及表达自我的方式。 |
We see the palms, we see the backs of the hands, bluntly. | 它也会被用来在三维空间中定位自己,从而象征时间。 |
The photographs present the hands as evidence rather than as expressive device. | 由区别到区分,通过二元性统一,只有通过包含它的相反概念才能去定义它。 |
These hands do not point, nor do they speak; they do not vary their position from one to the next. | 这,那,你,我,创造了这些区别,以及与它们相关的早期名称,便是表现性语言的来源。 |
There are no gestures, and subsequently, there is no suggestion of language. | 指通常是两只手指着不同的方向。 |
Yet, within this controlled framework, due to their individual differences, their inherent humanity manifests itself perhaps more strongly. | 当你去外地旅行的是时候,在没有其他共同语言存在的情况下,手变可以被用来当作语言。 |
Compositional variety is absent; identity is present. | 很多时候,手是与语言联系在一起,提升语言表达力的。 |
Like those at Lascaux, these hands express verisimilitude of presence: “I am here, I am now.” | 由此可见,在人们未能给事物命名之前,是手充充当了我们的语言。 |
And collectively, they reflect a society outside of society, as does the subject of the project itself. | 4. CYJO的“支柱”系列作品及视频,运用严密的创作构造试图将手一体化-----摆出普通的手势,进而通过消除不同手势的区别的过程来突出每双手的不同之处。 |
But there is nothing abstract about such hands. | 我们可以很清晰的看到手掌及手背。 |
They are highly individualistic portraits, evocative and informative. | 这些照片都将手化为了一种证据,而非仅仅是一种表达图案、这些手并没有指着什么,也没有什么文字,姿势也没审美变化。 |
Yes, they form abstract patterns and their surfaces are patinated with wonderful aesthetic richness. | 没有任何姿势,从而也没有任何语言的暗示。 |
The inclusion of the video element to accompany these photographed hands injects into them an interpretive specificity, pulling them out of abstraction and into the realm of document, of data. | 然而,在这种受约束的结构下,由于个体的独特性,它们固有的人性化却可能会更明显的表现出来。 |
In attaching video to photo, CYJO maintains a conceptual energy which could not be accomplished if the two elements were presented separately. | 虽无构图的多样性,但却具有同一性。 |
The choice to enlarge the hands, for example, and to print them in black and white, lends these images art-historical gravitas. | 就好像拉斯科洞穴里的那些手逼真的表达存在方式一样:“我在这里,现在在这里”总的来说,就正如这个项目的主题一样,它们反映的事社会以外的社会。 |
Images of hands, of workers especially, commonly figure in socialist art, and here too the expressiveness of hands, devoid of the remaining body, is sufficient to evoke an underlying political message. | 5. 因为 CYJO的作品具有迷人的形式主义, 人们或许会将她手的主题作品视为抽象主义。 |
The hands, in art, carry a virtuous message. | 其实,这些手并不是抽象的,它们只是能唤起人们感情,同时又具有教育意义的独特个体的写照而已。 |
They are almost always seen wizened, worn, strong, earthy, and therefore honest, ethical, transformed, sublime. | 作品本身是极具艺术美感的抽象形式,当我初次看到这些作品时,我就将它们视为传记,不由自主的想去探寻每双手背后的故事。 |
In earlier art, in Van Eyck or Dürer or Raphael, the hands are often joined in prayer, elegant and in repose but not idle. | 7. 单独给手部做特写并不是唯一被采用的艺术手段,同时,还要考虑给图片与视频结构性及重复性的问题。 |
The hand representation is never devoid of its role as symbol, as icon. | CYJO的作品一直侧重于序列主义,即运用重复而有序的运动。 |
There is also the patterning and repetition to be considered, in both photos and video elements. | 不像很简化抽像或加工导向的序列主义前身那样(20世纪60年代到70年达发展该技术的艺术家),CYJO更注重概念性,即是第二代艺术家普及使用的混合化的序列主义。 |
Unlike the highly reductivist and process-oriented precursors of serialism (those artists who developed the technique in the 1960’s and ‘70’s), CYJO follows the more conceptually charged, hybridized form of serialism employed by a second generation of artists. | 8.她的’日出’系列作品,是以天安门广场入口处闻名于世的毛泽东的肖像为背景而拍摄的,尺寸相同而色彩渐变的照片既平整又抽象,让人不禁联想到艺术家Byron Kim, 曾经在20世纪90年代创作了。 |
Sample Translation Marketing
Marketing Sample Translation
Source (Chinese) | Target (English) |
神秘的青藏高原,海拔5000米的零污染高原极地,纯净的水,土壤,空气,孕育着多种自然界 的奇珍异宝,在这里也孕育出了世上最珍贵的果 汁Gloji。 | Gloji Juice - Ancient Wisdom, Modern Methods, Blended to fulfill YOU |
三年来,Gloji在无数次的试验中不断地对产品的 营养,口感,色泽与香气进行改良与创新,以有 机无公害枸杞为原料基础,配以先进的生产设 备,研发出四款与众不同的新概念果汁 | This is where we produce the world's most revolutionary juice, Gloji. |
现在,我们终于能诚意的并深具信心的将这些研 究成果贡献给您。 | We use only totally organic Goji berries, untouched by the hand of man. |
Gloji真诚的希望能藉由这一瓶 小小的果汁负责起您体内的环保任务,并贡献我 们部分的所得为整个地球的环保工作仅一份绵薄 之力。 | Now we proudly present our latest product, Gloji Juice. |
What are Goji Berries? | What are Goji Berries? |
2000年10月,美国研究学者Marc Schreuder 先 生,在德国布伦瑞克试验室,做了一个关于枸杞 氧原子吸收能力测试的抗氧化剂分析样本。 | The antioxidant power of the Goji Berry is the highest in the world, this report was published in the book, "The Discovery of the Ultimate Superfood". |
令人 吃惊的是,抗氧化能量指数所显示的结果,保存 了1至3年的枸杞,抗氧化的能力仍是石榴的三 倍、橙子的十二倍、葡萄干的十四倍、苹果和香 蕉的一百五十倍! | At Gloji, we are combining Ancient wisdom with modern sensibilities to create a healthier YOU! |
枸杞的抗氧化能量指数是目前世 界上已知高抗氧化食物中最高的,此报告已被发 表在“Discovery of the Ultimate Superfood”一书 中。 | The flagship product of the Gloji line, every bottle contains 360 grams of Glogi GA. |
枸杞在传统中医药学中的运用已有千年的历 史,我们为古人的智慧与中华医学的博大精深感 到骄傲与自豪。 | Oxidization is the main cause of aging. |
Gloji GA, Goji berry paradise apple 为您推荐Gloji最真诚的代表性作品,每瓶枸杞含 量超过360颗的 Gloji GA 这款果汁的最大特色就是它卓越的抗氧化功效, 氧化是衰老的最大因素,日晒,压力,环境污染 都能让身体内的自由基泛滥造成细胞氧化。 | New medical theories recommend utilizing antioxidant rich foods to repair oxidized cells, and the Goji Berry has been found to be the most antioxidant rich superfood currently known to medical science. |
最新 的医学理论就是运用抗氧化食物修复已被氧化的 细胞,而枸杞正是目前世界上所发现抗氧化效能 最高的食物。 | Gloji GP, Goji Berry Pomegranate |
Gloji SG 里的超高枸杞含量正是进行 人体内部修复工程的主要成分,另搭配香甜可口 的天堂苹果汁,更显相得益彰。 | Red also represents a steady stream of vitality. |
Gloji GA 是让时间 暂停的青春之钥。 | Gloji integrates the world's two most nutritious red fruits, the Goji Berry and the Pomegranate into one unique hybrid, Gloji GP. |
Gloji GP, Goji berry pomegranate 红色是活力,青春与热情的象征,红色也代表了 源源不绝的生命力,红色蔬果也有着相同的意义 与功效。 | Gloji GP contains plentiful amounts of carotene, LBP and polyphenols, when you savor its intriguing flavor, you're actually helping do your part to protect the environment. |
Gloji完美结合了世上最具营养价值的两 种红色水果;枸杞与石榴,创造出这款独一无二 的混合果汁Gloji GP。 | Gloji LG, Lychee Goji |
研究证明红色蔬果有补血, 防护心血管,加强心脏功能等功效。 | Twist off the cap for a burst of Lychee's sweet aroma. |
Gloji GP 中含 有丰富的胡萝卜素,枸杞多糖与红石榴多酚,当 您细细品尝它奇妙滋味的同时,Gloji GP 也默默的 在为您进行着体内的环保工作。 | Enjoy a sip of the smooth and mellow Lychee flavor and you'll want another and another. |
每一口热情的 Gloji GP 果汁,都仿佛在向您的身体注入源源不绝 的活力。 | Besides its succulent aroma, Lychee contains a plentiful supply of Vitamins A and C which can make your skin smooth and radiant. |
Gloji LG, Lychee goji 鲜嫩欲滴的粉红色纯天然果汁,让人一见就垂涎 三尺。 | In keeping with the imperial tradition of Lychee, Gloji introduces Goji Lychee, a beverage with an imperial flavor. |
扭开瓶盖,阵阵荔枝果香扑鼻而来。 | Gloji Lychee, imperial refreshment. |
尝一 口,浓郁醇厚的荔枝果味让人忍不住一口接一 口。 | Gloji SG, Seaberry Goji |
这就是Gloji为您精心调配的,世上唯一荔枝果汁 含量超过90%的超健康果汁 Gloji LG。 | Seaberry has existed for over two hundred million years, in the sweltering desert and icy sub-zero mountain peaks, it's the only living plant. |
荔枝,自古 以来便是进贡皇室的珍品,不惜以五百里快马加 急送抵京城,只为赢得贵妃一笑。 | In order to survive under such harsh conditions, the Seaberry stores up vast amounts of nutrients, and because of this, the Seaberry contains plentiful amounts of every kind of vitamin. |
荔枝除了有让 人无法抗拒的美味之外,更含有极其丰富的维生 素A,维生素C及其它多种人体所需的微量元素, 是让您的肌肤白里透红的绝佳圣品。 | It has earned the title of one of the world's most amazing and vitamin rich plants. |
Gloji SG, Seaberry goji 沙棘在地球上已生存超过两亿年,是在沙漠和高 寒山区唯一能生存的植物,为了抵抗恶劣的环 境,沙棘将大量的养分储存在自身的果实里,因 此,沙棘果含有极其丰富的各种维生素,享有世 界植物之奇,维生素宝库和VC之王的称号。 | While exploring the European continent, Genghis Khan, used the Seaberry as one of the primary foods to reinforce the strength of his soldiers. |
成吉 思汗征讨欧洲大陆时亦将沙棘作为补充士兵体力 与营养的常备食品之一。 | Gloji SG contains only 100% natural, pollutant free wild Seaberries. |
Gloji SG 采用天然零污染 的野生沙棘,运用现代科技将沙棘中的精华原封 不动的保存下来,另搭配滋补养生的枸杞汁,是 增强抵抗力和清除体内毒素的最佳保健珍品。 | Utilizing modern scientific methods, the nutrition and nutrient-dense essence of the Seaberries remains intact, coupled with the flavor and nourishment of the Goji Berry juice,enhances the body's immune system. |
Sample Translation Tech/Engineering
Tech/Engineering Sample Translation
Source (Chinese) | Target (English) |
2、产品描述 英文翻译: | 2. SPLQJ Series Aluminum Cable Trays are among our firm’s signature products. |
SPLQJ系列铝合金电缆桥架是我公司自行研发设计制造的一种抗腐蚀桥架。 | These anti-corrosive trays were developed, designed and produced in-house. |
它具有结构简单、式样新颖、耐腐蚀,安装维护方便(使用我公司专用螺栓),不需保养等特点,能够适用于广泛的环境条件。 | Our trays have been given a fresh, new look, they are anti-corrosive designed with simplicity and convenience in mind for ease of installation (when using our company’s specially designed bolts), and what is more, they are maintenance-free and suitable for use under a wide variety of environmental conditions. |
SPLQJ系列铝合金防腐桥架采用不同截面形状的铝合金挤压型材加工桥架邦板和梯档,可制成梯级式、托盘式、槽式结构以满足不同场合的需要,铝合金挤压型材加工成型后固溶和人工时效处理,不仅提高了耐蚀性,而且提高了铝合金的强度,从而保证铝合金桥架具有较高的承载能力。 | SPLQJ Series Anti-corrosive Aluminum Alloy Cable Trays are made from multiple cross-sections of different patterns of extruded aluminum alloy tray-like and ladder-like slats, which can be fashioned into ladder type, tray type, and trough type configurations to meet the demands of various situations. |
SPLQJ系列铝合金防腐桥架表面经阳极氧化处理,使其更具有优异的耐蚀性、具有耐腐蚀时间长、不需要保养的优点,特别适用于高温、高湿、富盐雾的环境中选用。 | After the extruded aluminum is processed and shaped, a solid solution aging treatment is manually applied, this process not only improves its anti-corrosiveness, it also strengthens the aluminum alloy itself, thereby ensuring our aluminum alloy cable trays have high load capacity. |
表示规格或规格序号(用阿拉伯数字表示) | The surface of our SPLQJ Series Anti-corrosive Aluminum Alloy Cable Trays have been anodized for better anti-corrosiveness, a longer corrosion free and maintenance-free lifetime and are especially suited for application under high-temperature, high-moisture o0r high-salinity environmental conditions. |
DJ大跨距式 | 3- Model Description |
T为梯级式 | Please indicate specifications or serial number in Arabic numerals |
P为托盘式 | Please indicate category or category serial number in Arabic numerals or English letters |
C为槽式 | DJ Long Span Type |
铝合金电缆桥架 | T Ladder Type |
企业代号 | P Tray type |
4、大跨距式桥架尺寸与数据 | C Trough Type |
铝合金大跨距式直通桥架 | Aluminum Alloy Cable Tray |
铝合金大跨距式水平弯通 | Company Code |
铝合金大跨距式水平三通 | 4- (DJ) Long Span Tray Dimensions and Specs |
铝合金大跨距式水平四通 | (DJ) Aluminum Alloy Long Span Channel Cable Tray |
铝合金大跨距式垂直凹弯通 | (DJ) Aluminum Alloy Long Span Horizontal Bend Tray |
铝合金大跨距式垂直凸弯通 | (DJ) Aluminum Alloy Long Span Horizontal Tee Tray |
5、梯级式桥架尺寸与数据 | (DJ) Aluminum Alloy Long Span Horizontal Cross Tray |
铝合金梯级式直通桥架 | (DJ) Aluminum Alloy Long Span Inside Vertical Bend Tray |
铝合金梯级式水平弯通 | (DJ) Aluminum Alloy Long Span Outside Vertical Bend Tray |
铝合金梯级式水平三通 | 5- (T) Ladder Type Tray Dimensions and Data |
铝合金梯级式水平四通 | (T) Aluminum Alloy Straight Section Ladder Type Tray |
铝合金梯级式垂直凹弯通 | (T) Aluminum Alloy Ladder Type Horizontal Bend (T) Aluminum Alloy Ladder Type Horizontal Tee |
铝合金梯级式垂直凸弯通 | (T) Aluminum Alloy Ladder Type Horizontal Cross |
6、槽式桥架尺寸与数据 | (T) Aluminum Alloy Ladder Type Inside Vertical Riser |
铝合金槽式直通桥架 | (T) Aluminum Alloy Ladder Type Outside Vertical Riser |
铝合金槽式直通桥架终端封头 | (C) Trough Type Dimensions and Specs |
铝合金槽式水平弯通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Tray |
铝合金槽式水平三通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Straight Section Tray Blind End |
铝合金槽式上垂直三通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Horizontal Bend |
铝合金槽式下垂直三通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Horizontal Tee |
铝合金槽式上边垂直三通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Tee Up |
铝合金槽式水平三通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Tee Down |
铝合金槽式上垂直三通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough (C) Aluminum Alloy Horizontal Tee Trough Type |
铝合金槽式下垂直三通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Tee Up |
铝合金槽式上边垂直三通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Tee Down |
铝合金槽式下边垂直三通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Up Section Tee |
铝合金槽式下角垂直三通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Down Section Tee |
铝合金槽式垂直上弯通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Bend Up |
铝合金槽式垂直下弯通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Bend Up |
铝合金槽式垂直左上弯通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Bend Down |
铝合金槽式垂直左下弯通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Riser, Left Upward Bend |
铝合金槽式垂直右上弯通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Riser, Left Downward Bend |
铝合金槽式垂直右下弯通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Riser, Right Upward Bend |
铝合金槽式水平四通弯通 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Vertical Riser, Right Downward Bend |
铝合金槽式异径接头A | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Horizontal Bend Cross |
铝合金槽式异径接头B | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Reducer A |
7、托盘式桥架尺寸与数据 | (C) Aluminum Alloy Trough Type Reducer B |
铝合金托盘式直通桥架 | 7- (P) Tray Dimensions and Specs |
铝合金托盘式水平三通 | (P) Aluminum Alloy Tray Straight Section Tray |
铝合金托盘式水平四通 | (P) Aluminum Alloy Tray type Horizontal Tee |
铝合金托盘式垂直凸弯通 | (P) Aluminum Alloy Tray Type Cross Horizontal Bend |
铝合金托盘式垂直凹弯通 Vertical Inside Bend | (P) Aluminum Alloy Tray Type Vertical Outside Bend (P) Aluminum Alloy Tray Type Vertical Inside Bend |
8、桥架附件 | 1. When entering a work site, safety helmets and boots are required. |
9、注意事项 | Those working in elevated locations must wear safety harnesses. |
1. 进入施工现场必须带安全帽、穿安全鞋,高空作业必须系安全带 | 2. In order to avoid injury from falling objects; do not stop underneath a work area during installation. |
2. 桥架安装时,其下方不应有人停留,防止坠落伤人 | 3. In order to prevent injuries from slips or falls, ladders must be held securely by a dedicated individual. |
3. 使用人字梯必须坚固,要有专人扶持,防止梯子滑动,作业人员摔伤 | 4. Sitting standing or walking on cable trays is prohibited. |
4. 禁止坐、站立或在桥架上行走 | 5. When using power tools, a reliable protective grounding system is required to avoid electric shock. |
5. 使用电动工具要有可靠的接零保护措施,防止触电事故 | 6. Bolts on the connection plate between Trays and Supports must be tightened down securely. |
6. 桥架与支架间螺栓、桥架连接板螺栓固定紧固无遗漏,螺母位于桥架外侧 | Nuts should be fastened to the outside of bolts. |
7. 桥架敷设在易燃易爆气体管道和热力管道的下方,最小间距符合规范要求 | 7. Trays lain under flammable gas piping or thermal piping must be situated the minimum distance away that conforms to prescribed standards. |
8. C型钢横担要拉通线找平,防止丝杆受力不均,产生不稳定因素 | 8. C Shaped steel crossbars should be moved straight and on level ground to prevent uneven force from being exerted on ball screws. |
9. 支撑桥架的丝杆、横担等上的螺母以及固定跨接线的螺母要拧紧、拧牢,防止松动、脱落; | 9. When carrying trays, ball screws, crossbars and wire jumper nuts should be tightened securely to prevent them from loosening or coming off. |
12、订货须知 | 12、Ordering Instructions |
订货时应提供以下资料: | When placing an order please provide the following information: |
※ 桥架型号、规格、数量及安装方式。 | ※ Tray model, specifications, quantity and installation method. |
※ 桥架附件型号、规格、数量。 | ※ Tray accessory number, specifications and quantity. |
※ 订货时如未提出产品表面喷涂颜色,则按我公司惯用铝合金本色。 | ※ When placing an order, if no color is specified, then the product will come painted in our company’s default color. |
※ 我公司可提供桥架安装指导服务。 | ※ Our company can provide installation instruction services. |
※ 其它特殊订货条件,由双方在合同中协商确定。 | ※ Other special ordering conditions should be confirmed through contractual agreement. |
注:鉴于样本中所涉及的标准、材料、技术要求、电气线路以及安装尺寸随着时间的推移都在不断地发展,因此这些技术均要以本公司最新的确认为准。 | :NOTE: In light of the fact that our standards, materials, technological requirements, electrical circuitry and installation dimensions are under constant development, the technology outlined herein is subject to the newest approval by the company. |
本公司保留设计规格随时更改的权利,如有更改,恕不另行通知。 | Our company reserves the right to change or modify its design standards at any time, all such changes or modifications shall be made without notice. |
Sample Translation Medical
Medical Sample Translation
Source (Chinese) | Target (English) |
創新宏觀能量中醫學-締建信息、能量、物質完美醫學 | Revolutionary Macro-Energy Chinese Medicine - The Foundation of Information-Energy-Matter...The Perfect Medicine |
醫學的最高境界是養生,養生的最高境界是長壽無病。 | The highest state of medicine is health, the highest state of health is a long life free from disease. |
我們知道,當人類最偉大的科學家愛因斯坦,發表了震撼科學界的E=MC2公式,闡明了物質與能量的關係後,逐漸帶動了人類從物質文明走向能量文明;因此,21世紀「能量醫學」的時代也必然來臨。 | The twenty-first century’s era of Energy Medicine is just on the horizon. |
進入21世紀初,人们期待新医学的诞生。 | Entering the dawn of the twenty-first century, we await the birth of a new kind of medicine. |
世界各地湧起各種療法,卻始終缺乏一套完整的具有科學實質結構研究,以及科學量化、精準有效的完整診斷方式及快速治療工具,人們迫切期待新醫學的誕生。 | And so the world is still in dire need of a new kind of medicine. |
本人歷經三十五年辛苦致力中醫科學化的工作,潛心研究中醫能量-「氣」的科學實質內涵,重新建構古中醫的氣化理論,並結合國際極尖端的量子共振技術,開創「生命能量養生醫學」。 | Serious concentrated research of "the Ch'i", and its inherent scientific connotations, the reconstruction of the ancient theory of "Ch'i transformation", and fusion it with cutting edge quantum resonance technology have culminated in the foundation of, "life-energy health medicine". |
經過漫長的臨床實證工作,終於找到人體的「量子生理結構系統」-堪稱為「人体第二生命能量系統」,由於對物質能直接產生變化,其作用並且與「第一生命能量系統-經絡」相聯繫; | Since it has the ability to directly produce change in matter, the effect has been closely interlinked with "the first life-energy system...The Energy Channels". |
人體小宇宙與大宇宙的生命三要素-信息、能量、物質,終於完整呈現,人體的生命系統也完整落實;重大疾病將可直接從信息能量波的糾正,通過這兩大系統的質能互變作用而徹底改變物質損傷,且從而根本改變了疾病的本質。 | Serious illness can be corrected directly through information-energy waves. |
「創新宏觀能量中醫学」即是運用CLE活性量子共振技術的高波動能傳導為手段,通過與人體第一生命系統「中醫經絡信息能量系統」及與人體第二生命系統「量子物質結構系統」產生高度共振與諧振,不但能快速治癒各種疑難重症,還能將心肺衰竭的危急病人,以補充心肺生命能量的方式快速救治…。 | The energy-matter interconversion effect of these two major systems, completely transforms material damage resulting in a fundamental change to the very nature of disease. |
其共振的動能不斷促進兩大生命能量系統能量疊加,促進機體氣血流量,使細胞更具活性,(猶如針灸的作用而遠過之)。 | This, coupled with the body's first living system, "Chinese Medicine's energy channel, information-energy system" and the body's second living system, the "quantum-matter-structural system". |
經歐盟權威能量檢測機構IIREC(International Institute for Research on Electromagnetic Compatibility) 驗證過的CLE量子共振水:「在22.5HZ處具有正值共振指數,具有活性且能提升水的質量,對於細胞中水分的新陳代謝及細胞再生有重大的效能」。 | The kinetic energy present in resonance constantly spurs the superposition of the two major life-energy systems, advancing organic Ch'i-Hsueh (Ch'i-blood) throughput, causing increased activity in the cells, (comparable to the effects of acupuncture, but far superior). |
能快速促進病體的養生康復的速度,創造了種種的所謂「奇蹟」。 | It is able to rapidly advance the speed of healing in a sick body, creating every kind of "miracle". |
個人以為:中醫理念優於西方醫學理念之處,主要有四點: | Principally in the following four points: |
一、中醫在三千年前已俱備「能量」理念,並建立了完整的能量理論 : 氣化理論-陰陽、五行、經絡。 | Chinese Medicine discovered life's first system, the Energy Channels. |
中醫發現了生命的第一系統 - 經絡,三千年後的今天,才被人類生物醫學界確認它是生物的「隐性感傳線(LPSC:Latent Propagated Sensation along Channel)」。 | Twenty first century science acknowledges: the three key elements in the universe are, information, energy and matter; Chinese Medicine discovered that the Energy Channels possess quantum-information characteristics. |
21世紀的科學已認知:宇宙的三大要素是信息、能量、物質;中醫發現的經絡系統具有量子信息的特色,個人因此將之定位為「第一生命系統」。 | Information takes a "field" form, energy takes a "wave" form, matter takes a "particle" form. |
信息的形式是「場」,能量的形式是「波」,物質的形式是「粒子」,中醫經絡兼具場與波的特性,是人體的完整信息能量系統,因此十二經絡體系出現與十二地球磁力線同步運轉、共振交流的現象,地球自轉一周,十二經絡體系也依序自轉一周。 | It is the human body's complete information-energy system. |
因此,經絡是「場-體醫學」,遠遠超過西方醫學的「點」、「線」、「面」的醫學,因此中國古代認為:「為醫不知經絡,開口動手便錯。 | As the earth revolves one week, the twelve regular channels system also revolves one week concurrently. |
「創新量子中醫學」兼具量子醫學微弱磁場的微觀科學數據,作為診斷與治療的依據;又具備中醫學宏觀陰陽、五行、經絡的現代科學數據的量化診斷與治療,完全做到量化健康,科學管理的境地,是為「創新宏觀能量中醫學」。 | Ancient practitioners of Chinese Medicine believed: "to profess to be a man of medicine, yet be ignorant of the Energy Channels, would be a grave error." |
目前,以此嶄新的技術,正在積極研究人類抗衰老的課題,預期能將人類平均壽命提高到130歲--長壽而無病的生命境界;期望以信息、能量、物質的完美新醫學的智慧,造福全人類。 | The condition of health management is, "Revolutionary Macro-Energy TCM". |
最後,必須感謝這漫長而艱難的研究歲月,那些全力支持我的家人及友人們,謹以此書獻給我的眾多支持者及好友們,並深深感謝以下幾位給予我高度評價的能量醫學專家們: | I expect through the wisdom of "information-energy-matter, complete new medicine" to bring benefit to mankind. |
Sample Translation Innovative Quantum Macro-TCM - by Dr. Hsu Yung An
Innovative Quantum Macro-TCM - by Dr. Hsu Yung An Sample Translation
Source | Target |
創新宏觀能量中醫學-締建信息、能量、物質完美醫學 | |
醫學的最高境界是養生,養生的最高境界是長壽無病。 | |
我們知道,當人類最偉大的科學家愛因斯坦,發表了震撼科學界的E=MC2公式,闡明了物質與能量的關係後,逐漸帶動了人類從物質文明走向能量文明;因此,21世紀「能量醫學」的時代也必然來臨。 | |
進入21世紀初,人们期待新医学的诞生。 | |
世界各地湧起各種療法,卻始終缺乏一套完整的具有科學實質結構研究,以及科學量化、精準有效的完整診斷方式及快速治療工具,人們迫切期待新醫學的誕生。 | |
本人歷經三十五年辛苦致力中醫科學化的工作,潛心研究中醫能量-「氣」的科學實質內涵,重新建構古中醫的氣化理論,並結合國際極尖端的量子共振技術,開創「生命能量養生醫學」。 | |
經過漫長的臨床實證工作,終於找到人體的「量子生理結構系統」-堪稱為「人体第二生命能量系統」,由於對物質能直接產生變化,其作用並且與「第一生命能量系統-經絡」相聯繫; | |
人體小宇宙與大宇宙的生命三要素-信息、能量、物質,終於完整呈現,人體的生命系統也完整落實;重大疾病將可直接從信息能量波的糾正,通過這兩大系統的質能互變作用而徹底改變物質損傷,且從而根本改變了疾病的本質。 | |
「創新宏觀能量中醫学」即是運用CLE活性量子共振技術的高波動能傳導為手段,通過與人體第一生命系統「中醫經絡信息能量系統」及與人體第二生命系統「量子物質結構系統」產生高度共振與諧振,不但能快速治癒各種疑難重症,還能將心肺衰竭的危急病人,以補充心肺生命能量的方式快速救治…。 | |
其共振的動能不斷促進兩大生命能量系統能量疊加,促進機體氣血流量,使細胞更具活性,(猶如針灸的作用而遠過之)。 | |
經歐盟權威能量檢測機構IIREC(International Institute for Research on Electromagnetic Compatibility) 驗證過的CLE量子共振水:「在22.5HZ處具有正值共振指數,具有活性且能提升水的質量,對於細胞中水分的新陳代謝及細胞再生有重大的效能」。 | |
能快速促進病體的養生康復的速度,創造了種種的所謂「奇蹟」。 | |
個人以為:中醫理念優於西方醫學理念之處,主要有四點: | |
一、中醫在三千年前已俱備「能量」理念,並建立了完整的能量理論 : 氣化理論-陰陽、五行、經絡。 | |
中醫發現了生命的第一系統 - 經絡,三千年後的今天,才被人類生物醫學界確認它是生物的「隐性感傳線(LPSC:Latent Propagated Sensation along Channel)」。 | |
21世紀的科學已認知:宇宙的三大要素是信息、能量、物質;中醫發現的經絡系統具有量子信息的特色,個人因此將之定位為「第一生命系統」。 | |
信息的形式是「場」,能量的形式是「波」,物質的形式是「粒子」,中醫經絡兼具場與波的特性,是人體的完整信息能量系統,因此十二經絡體系出現與十二地球磁力線同步運轉、共振交流的現象,地球自轉一周,十二經絡體系也依序自轉一周。 | |
因此,經絡是「場-體醫學」,遠遠超過西方醫學的「點」、「線」、「面」的醫學,因此中國古代認為:「為醫不知經絡,開口動手便錯。 | |
「創新量子中醫學」兼具量子醫學微弱磁場的微觀科學數據,作為診斷與治療的依據;又具備中醫學宏觀陰陽、五行、經絡的現代科學數據的量化診斷與治療,完全做到量化健康,科學管理的境地,是為「創新宏觀能量中醫學」。 | |
目前,以此嶄新的技術,正在積極研究人類抗衰老的課題,預期能將人類平均壽命提高到130歲--長壽而無病的生命境界;期望以信息、能量、物質的完美新醫學的智慧,造福全人類。 | |
最後,必須感謝這漫長而艱難的研究歲月,那些全力支持我的家人及友人們,謹以此書獻給我的眾多支持者及好友們,並深深感謝以下幾位給予我高度評價的能量醫學專家們: |
Unavailable Today
February 2025
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