Browse translation experts in the field of Cosmetics translations.
Rank | Translator | Tagline | Translation Units | Term Concepts |
<%= index + 1 %> |
<%= link_to user.site_name, user %> <% if %> Country: <%= %> <% end %> |
<% unless user.general_tagline.blank? %> <%= user.general_tagline %> <% end %> | <%= number_with_delimiter(user.t_units_count, :delimiter => ',') %> | <%= number_with_delimiter(user.t_concepts_count, :delimiter => ',') %> |
Rank | Language Pair | Translation Units |
1 | English to Portuguese | 113,533 |
2 | English to Turkish | 65,329 |
3 | English to German | 31,245 |
4 | Spanish to German | 25,794 |
5 | English to French | 10,839 |
6 | English to Spanish | 3,198 |
7 | Korean to English | 1,552 |
8 | English to Italian | 1,188 |
9 | English to Thai | 1,106 |
10 | Italian to Turkish | 919 |